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  • Quick view Laboile, Alain
    20,00 € Out of stock

    .Unsigned copies only.Presentation by Les Arènes : "Nil et son chat Matou Cachou sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Dehors, ils vivent mille et une aventures. Un jour pourtant, une dispute éclate. La petite fille et le chat vont devoir apprendre à vivre l’un sans l’autre. Heureusement, les disputes ne durent jamais longtemps…Riches en émotions, les...

    20,00 €
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  • Presentation by Chose Commune: " The story behind 78 tells of a promise kept after the passing of the Japanese master of photography Issei Suda, to publish a book with an original approach. Although the project originated in January 2019, 78 presents a selection of unseen photographs selected from the Suda archive in November 2019. Shot between 1971 and...

    60,00 €
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  • Quick view Verdier, Elliott
    95,00 € Out of stock

    .One last copy (not signed). Presentation by Dunes Editions: " Of the bloody civil war (1989-2003) that decimated Liberia, its population does not speak. No proper memorial has been built, no day is dedicated to commemoration. The country, still held by several protagonists of the carnage, refuses to condemn its perpetrators. This deafening silence, that...

    95,00 €
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  • .Sold out. Le Bassin Romantique, first photobook of Nicolas Seurot's project Visions passéistes [Old-fashioned visions], is a series of images created around the Bassin d'Arcachon (or Arcachon Bay), between Bordeaux and the Atlantic Ocean, in southwest France. Nicolas Seurot, a connoisseur of the art of painting, and a dilettante painter himself,...

  • Quick view Collectif
    13,00 € In Stock

    L'Ascenseur Végétal is now offering all available titles from the French collection "Photo Poche". This series of black pocket-size books is a staple among photobooks in France, and all photography lovers and amateurs have at least one in their bookshelves, often dozens! This series initially curated by Robert Delpire and published by "Centre National de...

    13,00 €
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  • Presentation by ediSens:        [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] "It has been over 30 years since Pierre de Vallombreuse started bringing evidence of the life situation of the autochthonous people from around the world. From the most painful, genocides, wars, to the profound mutations imposed on them by the march of the rest of the world. Victories also,...

    80,00 €
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  • Presentation by The Gould Collection:  " On Keeping a Notebook, volume four of The Gould Collection pairs forty-four photographs and five drawings by British photographer Jamie Hawkesworth with American writer Joan Didion’s essay On Keeping a Notebook. Through words for Didion and images for Hawkesworth, volume four focuses on the practice of collecting...

    85,00 €
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  • Quick view Fujimoto, Tomoya
    50,00 € Out of stock

    .LAST COPIES of the second edition of this photobook (Amers Editions, 1st printing, 2021) - Signed copies. Introduction from the photobook, by the artist: [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] " « Free man you will alway cherish the sea » Baudelaire, surprisingly, writes these words, when modernity tumbles into unbridled industrialization, pandemic...

    50,00 €
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  • Quick view Ellison, Buck
    75,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by Loose Joints: " Loose Joints is proud to present Living Trust, the first monograph by American artist Buck Ellison. LA-based Ellison's work broadly investigates the language of privilege through meticulously researched images, often executed through staged settings and performative interventions into the visual language of photography. On...

    75,00 €
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  • Quick view MA TE
    68,00 € Out of stock

    .Back in stock (September 2021). Presentation by the artist: " « Photo in MeThere was a Photoin meAn empty glass ofrealityVoices of waterscared of drying outHosted on a black starRun through my fingertipLet there be light The photo in meout of me  »          -- MA TE    "Red metallic box, a sort of "cigarette box", including 6 prints inserted in a sealed...

    68,00 €
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  • Quick view Shore, Stephen
    55,00 € Book available with different options

    Presentation by Mack: " In 1977, Stephen Shore travelled across New York state, Pennsylvania, and eastern Ohio – an area in the midst of industrial decline that would eventually be known as the Rust Belt. Shore met steelworkers who had been thrown out of work by plant closures and photographed their suddenly fragile world: deserted factories, lonely bars,...

    55,00 €
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  • .This book is sold out by the publisher. Presentation by Editions Textuel & Rencontres d'Arles: " « A photographer without a camera » revealed to the general public during the 2022 Rencontres d'Arles festival. Whatever you do, don't tell Katrien de Blauwer that she makes collages: « Let's say I'm a photographer without a camera. For me, cutting is...

    60,00 €
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  • Quick view Gill, Stephen
    95,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation of the photobook by Stephen Gill: " In March 2014, my family and I moved from east London to rural south Sweden where my partner Lena is from. I understood that these new surroundings would inform my work in very different ways and that nature would play a key role. I was looking forward to making work that did not feel restricted and...

    95,00 €
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  • .Sold out.Presentation by the artist: "One Eyed Ulysses proposes a meandering voyage where solitude, melancholy, the encounter with death and nature in marginal settings are some of the themes that run through it. The aim of this book of photos is not to document a specific epoch , but rather to sum up human experience so that we may contemplate its...

  • Présentation de Stanley / Barker: "Christopher Anderson began photographing New York City cops in the wake of 9/11, as the visual landscape of the city he called home began to change. Bomb blast barriers went up, cops carrying larger guns seemed to be everywhere, and whilst the increased presence of security was designed, in part, to make New Yorkers...

    65,00 €
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  • Quick view Parks, Gordon
    55,00 € Out of stock

    .Copies of the 2nd printing of this books are now in stock!. Presentation by Steidl: " When Life magazine asked Gordon Parks to illustrate a recurring series of articles on crime in the United States in 1957, he had already been a staff photographer for nearly a decade, the first African American to hold this position. Parks embarked on a six-week journey...

    55,00 €
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  • Quick view Meeks, Raymond
    55,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by MACK: " « What is there between the branch and apple when it falls?     We have seen it—we would recognize it anywhere. Yet of an evening we are told nothing is there.              -- Wright Morris  » Raymond Meeks is renowned for his use of photography and the book form to poetically distill the liminal junctures of vision, consciousness...

    55,00 €
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  • Quick view Hido, Todd
    49,00 € Out of stock

    50 cards in a two-part acrylic case B-Sides Box Sets, 2017 Format of the cards : 6.3 x 8.9 cm *Signed & Numbered* New - Mint condition Publisher's presentation of the photobook: "Homing In offers a new glimpse into Todd Hido's highly prolific process and unveils unpublished House Hunting photographs, overlooked images of his muse Khrystyna, and even...

    49,00 €
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  • Quick view de Puy, Robin
    75,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by Hannibal :  "In 2015, Robin de Puy travelled across America on a motorcycle for her book If This is True… But as her road trip had almost come to an end, she discovered Randy. He rode past – fast – but in the split second she saw him she knew: she had to find out who this boy was. About that first encounter she wrote: « Randy, a...

    75,00 €
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  • Quick view Larrain, Sergio
    35,00 € Out of stock

    .French / English and Spanish / Portuguese versions back in stock.Presentation by Editions Xavier Barral : "Published in 1963, this book is Sergio Larrain's very first publication, that would soon become a seminal work for Chilean and Latin American photography. Published in the Cadernos Brasileiros series, in collaboration with the poet and cultural...

    35,00 €
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  • .Signed copies available.Presentation by Eamonn Doyle: "In his Dublin trilogy (i, ON et End.), Eamonn captured the combined actions of the city and its population as they played out in front of him. With K, he moves away from the urban east coast to the western Atlantic edge of Ireland, to a landscape that, in places, appears out of time, a parallel world...

    99,00 €
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  • Quick view Collectif
    75,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation par 10x10 Photobooks:   ".About How We See With historical records establishing 19th-century British photographer Anna Atkins’s Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (1843-1853) as the first photobook, it is not surprising that women have consistently contributed to the rich history of photobook making. 10×10 Photobooks has...

    75,00 €
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  • Presentation by Dienacht : " This book is a two-year endless blink of happiness. « You always said that I dreamt too much.    Hearts and minds of those who tried,    by the sea and the salt.    You were the Ra and I was the seed.    And despite the heavy clouds,    I hope that flowers will bloom,    where the sun, only once shown »  "PLEASE NOTE: We are...

    39,00 €
    In Stock
  • .Trade edition back in stock. Presentation by Studiofaganel: " The Monferrato and Roero Woods, the limits imposed by confinement, the exploration of oneself and the natural environment, in a closed dialogue between the photographs of Tomaso Clavarino and the illustrations of Patrizio Anastasi, which confront each other, resemble each other, and overlap....

    30,00 €
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  • .Sold out.Presentation by Walther Koenig: "In contrast to the consciously sober – but far from clinical images of his earlier series, Schmidt uses atmosphere-laden details with high-contrast black-and-white images of cityscapes, details in nature, and portraits in Waffenruhe to create a subjective, leaden picture of a still-divided city. He no longer...

  • .Sold out.Presentation of the exhibition Oculus by Galerist, Istanbul : "Galerist is proud to present Oculus, a series of photographs taken mostly in France and Turkey and taking its title from an old Roman architectural term for a small circular or oval window. Often an oculus allows a concentrated beam of light into an otherwise dark interior and so is...

  • Quick view Degorce, Olivier
    39,00 € Out of stock

    Excerpt from an interview with Twenty Magazine :   [link in French] "TM : What was the photoscene like [in the 90's] ?Olivier Degorce : It is important to remind people of the virtual lack of visual communication in this circle [the French electronic music scene] : we would mainly use flyers to communicate, word of mouth, Radio FG [originally Fréquence...

    39,00 €
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  • Presentation by lamaindonne :      [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] "in 2015, Ljubisa Danilovic piblished Le Désert russe with éditions lamaindonne. The book was very well received by both the public and the critic, and is now long sold out. Three years later, La Lune de Payne, his new book, brings to our eyes a completely different side of the work of...

    34,00 €
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  • Quick view Doyle, Eamonn
    75,00 € Out of stock

    .Last copies!. Presentation by the artist: " As the day passes, its shadow goes by. Taken within the orbital limits of the south-east Dublin coastal suburbia of his youth, incidental objects of memory strive to resist the forensic pressure of the late Spring sun as it bears down its weight in this new, large-scale publication of photographs by Eamonn...

    75,00 €
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  • Quick view Graham, Paul
    55,00 € Out of stock

    .Copies of the 2021 reprint (2nd printing) of the 2020 Mack edition of this book. Presentation by Mack: " A1 - The Great North Road was Paul Graham's first book, published in 1983 [self-published via Grey Editions]. Despite the UK having a vibrant photographic scene at the time, there were only handful of monographic books - Chris Killip and Martin Parr...

    55,00 €
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  • Presentation by Mack: " This book presents Alessandra Sanguinetti's return to rural Argentina to continue her intimate collaboration with Belinda and Guillermina, two cousins who, as girls, were the subjects of the first book in her ongoing series, The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams (Nazraeli, 2010). In this...

    60,00 €
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  • .Copies of the second edition in stock!. Presentation by Witty Books: " « I am like a waiter who was given a special identity. At this time, I may be a stranger, perhaps a maker of taste and emotion, maybe a peeper next door, maybe just a recorder using a camera to invade others. The young flesh came in and out. Our communication was limited to the...

    36,00 €
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Showing 33 - 64 of 1226 items