El Rectángulo en la Mano

@ Larrain, Sergio


.French / English and Spanish / Portuguese versions back in stock.

Presentation by Editions Xavier Barral :

"Published in 1963, this book is Sergio Larrain's very first publication, that would soon become a seminal work for Chilean and Latin American photography. Published in the Cadernos Brasileiros series, in collaboration with the poet and cultural attaché at the Brazilian embassy Thiago de Mello, it subtly shows, through 44 pages, the photographer's vision of photography.

For the first time, Sergio Larrain considered his work from a theoretical standpoint. "When I turn my gaze outward, camera in hand, I’m actually looking inward for pictures; I can only materialise that world of phantoms when I see something that resonates within me. Visible reality, the root of photographic endeavour, is also one of the vertices rectangular interplay: rectangle in hand (the camera), I seek geometry. Photograph: it (the subject), rendered geometrically". This definition, constructed like a syllogism and with a nod to the haiku, expresses the driving spirit that would reappear in his philosophical writings.

Republished as a facsimile conform to the original, this version of El rectángulo en la mano, issued freely in a hardcover, with an essay by Agnès Sire, is a tribute to the Chilean photographer's emblematic book."

The facsimile booklet is inserted (not attached) in a linen-covered hardcover that includes a small booklet featuring the text by Agnès Sire and the translated foreword from the booklet.

Two editions of this book are available, offering different translations of these texts. We are offering you both versions : French / English version (FR / EN) or Spanish / Portuguese version (SP / PO). NB : the facsimile booklet remains of course identical (that is in Spanish only) in both versions.

Before adding this book to your cart, please use the "Edition choice" drop-down menu available below the price to make your selection.

44 pages (facsimile) + 20 pages in hardcover

Editions Xavier Barral, 2018

Format : 12 x 18 cm

New - Mint condition

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Larrain, Sergio

Sergio Larrain was a Chilean photographer (1931-2012); he his most famous for his emblematic work of the cities and the streets of Valparaíso and Santiago. This work was published in two very important books: "El rectángulo en la mano" (Cadernos Brasileiros, 1963) and "Valparaíso" (Hazan, 1991 - A collaboration with poet Pablo Neruda). Editions Xavier Barral (today Atelier EXB) published a facsimile version of "El rectángulo en la mano" in 2018, and a new edition of "Londres 1959" in 2020. © Portrait by René Burri / Magnum
  • .French and Spanish versions available. Presentation by Atelier EXB : " This publication gathers Sergio Larrain's photographs made during his stay in London during the 1958-1959 Winter including half of new images – not published in the first edition published by Hazan in 1998. A selection enlarged by the Chilean photographer himself. In London, Larrain...

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