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Showing 1121 - 1152 of 1226 items
  • Quick view Wallace, Dougie
    36,00 € Out of stock

    .Signed copies back in stock.Publisher's presentation: "In Harrodsburg, Dougie Wallace looks at the excessive wealth and consumerism that can be found around the Knightsbridge area close to the world famous department store, Harrods. From the mid-1970s onwards, Gulf millionaires began coming to the area. They were later joined by the Oligarchs and the...

    36,00 €
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  • .Sold out. Publisher's presentation : "In The Face Of Silence is a powerful and moving portrait of the hard lives of French family farmers living and working in the Forez region, on the eastern side of the Massif Central. Born and brought up in the area, photographer Christophe Agou travelled to the less-known parts of the region, where he felt inspired...

  • Publisher's presentation: "Jérôme Sevrette, musicien de formation et photographe indépendant, pratique la photographie depuis plus de 20 ans. Adolescent rêveur, il parcourt alors la campagne sarthoise où il a grandi en quête de nouveaux territoires. Forêts, vieilles bâtisses et manoirs en ruines, marais… ces « bouts du monde » nourrissent son imaginaire...

    30,00 €
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  • Quick view Pierri, Aminta
    19,00 € Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation: "...The indistinct scenes that appear before us are coming from a trail of memories, and family's tales, intertwined with the photographer's own wondering.It is an exploration into the dreams and fears. The book connects place and memory, disconnected from the passage of time. It is not about the past or the future, or about the...

    19,00 €
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  • Quick view Pasqui, Iacopo
    30,00 € Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation of the photobook: "Since February 2015 and for about a year, Iacopo Pasqui started hanging out with and taking pictures of a bunch of teenagers who were born in 1999. Motivated by curiosity towards contemporary social dynamics and by the need to photograph others, he finds in this bunch of young friends a suitable dimension for...

    30,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "It is a cyclical journey. I talk about my family and the one that biologically is not, but that I consider as such. I explore the roles we play in our emotional relationships, as well as the shelter and support we find in them. I reflect on memory, the similarity in our patterns of behavior and what we reflect on the other. Also...

    30,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "In the 60s, inside Bangkok's Chinatown, a printer makes a printing test for a book about palmistry..."68 pages - Softcover Siam's Guy Books, 2016 (200 copies) Format : 14 x 19 cm *Signed* New - Mint condition

    45,00 €
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  • Quick view Ishiuchi, Miyako
    49,00 € Out of stock

    42 pages - Softcover Super Labo, 2016 Format : 21.6 x 28 cm New - Mint condition

    49,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "The project for this book has a programmatic quality, like a prefiguration of future works. Perhaps it also works like a mirror—like an optical machine in any case—that brings together distant things, various times, experiences, places, and forms (drawings, photos, writing, etc.), and that’s exactly what Michel Couturier set out...

    38,00 €
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  • Quick view Fitch, Steve
    20,00 € Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation: "Shot over 28 years, American Motel Signs is a unique insight into one of the most fascinating aspects of contemporary American culture. These motel signs, from the Sleepy Hollow Motel [Utah, 2007] to the Teddy Bear Motel [North Carolina, 1983] represent the many faces of everyday America that has become so ubiquitous in...

    20,00 €
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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation: "In 2014, Peter Bialobrzeski arrived in Taipei to print his book Cairo Diary. Almost immediately, he set out to document the urban landscape of what was once considered the de facto capital of China, and what it has become today. Peter Bialobrzeski is a world-renowned photographer and the recipient of several awards...

    25,00 €
  • .Very limited number of signed copies available.Presentation on the artist's website: "Marie Mons spent three months in winter in a small village in the fjords of eastern Iceland where she became Aurore Colbert. Speaking of winter and its polar nights, the rhythm it induces through a great shamanic ritual, she embodies her character, always leaving the...

    38,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "HS est un journal de 18 photographies qui font écho au récit d’Amaury da Cunha, Histoire souterraine, publié simultanément aux éditions du Rouergue. Cette publication, constitue une chambre d’écho, comme une annexe photographique, en marge du texte. Dans ce récit autobiographique, il est question de la mort d’un frère à...

    15,00 €
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  • Quick view Keller & Wittwer
    38,00 € Out of stock

    .Back in stock.Publisher's presentation: "People behind the windows of public buses — at the end of a working day in the centre of Paris, they wait for the bus to bring them back to the banlieue. They seem introspective, engrossed in thought, their gaze directed towards an inner landscape. The camera’s view of the subjects it portrays is frequently...

    38,00 €
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  • Quick view Collectif
    32,00 € Out of stock

    .Very last copy!.Presentation by Editorial RM: "Photobooks have become increasingly popular in recent years and occupy a central place in contemporary photography. Nowadays, more photobooks are produced, bought and sold, swapped and collected than ever before. Independent publishing and the self-publishing of books and fanzines have become a phenomenon...

    32,00 €
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  • .Only 2 signed copies available.276 pages (19 gatefolds) - Linen hardcover Red Hook Editions, 2014Format : 22.5 x 27.4 cm*Signed*New - Small imperfection (see below)Presentation on the Magnum Agency website: "Disco Night Sept. 11 is a chronicle of America's wars from 2006-2013 by Peter van Agtmael. The photographs shift back and forth from the wars...

    72,00 €
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  • Quick view Wallard, Margot
    55,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation of the series on the artist's website: "In the project Natten I wanted and needed to change totally my way of taking pictures. I felt a pressing need to turn the camera onto myself and started for the first time to make self-portraits. I needed to tame my new surroundings in the Värmland region of Sweden. A place, in the middle of nowhere...

    55,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "The Promise is the second chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, which offers a contemporary retelling of The Ramayana. A seven-chapter tale first recorded by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 BC, The Ramayana is one of the founding epics of Hindu mythology. Since 2013, Yogananthan has been...

    60,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation: "Shell shock silence and blinding whiteness, air sucked from the lungs. Masked clowns out of the dust cloud. City limits, a circle of men. Two dogs. The chain goes off. Nervous laughters, hard breathing. Tension as a background noise. The night-blind goes on. Cagdas Erdogan’s first book, Control, was shot entirely in Istanbul,...

    42,00 €
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  • Quick view Evans, Walker
    10,50 € Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation:  [ text in French only - see below ] "Les Editions du Centre Pompidou publient un entretien exceptionnel de Walker Evans, traduit pour la première fois en français à l'occasion de l'exposition au Centre Pompidou du 26 avril 2017 au 14 août 2017.Walker Evans (1903-1975) est sans aucun doute l'un des photographes américains les...

    10,50 €
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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation:  [ Please note : content in French only ] "La photographie contemporaine iranienne depuis la révolution de 1979; un panorama exceptionnel de la photographie contemporaine iranienne. Cet ouvrage rassemble les œuvres de 66 photographes et interroge la réalité iranienne par un jeu de confrontations entre images...

  • Presentation of the series on the photographer's website: "The mountain range of Caucasus is a borderland where Europe meets Asia and Christianity meets Islam; a myriad of nationalities, languages and cultures live side by side. Well-known in the Soviet time as the land of wine and pomegranates, clean mountain air and sunny beaches, the Caucasian...

    44,00 €
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  • Présentation de l'éditeur :    [ Book in French only ] "For three years, Carlos Spottorno and Guillermo Abril have traveled the borders of Europe, and from the 25,000 photographs and 15 notebooks they reported, they composed a" comic strip "of photos.From Africa to the Arctic, the journalists tell a story: a meeting with the Africans of Gourougou, the...

    25,00 €
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  • Quick view Cunha, Fábio
    30,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by the artist: "After the housing crisis caused by the economic and political power, the housing authority decided to open an investigation to assess its consequences. Given that previous reports were ambiguous, fieldwork was needed. Thus an investigator was sent to ZONA with the specific aim of preparing a visual report on the urban...

    30,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation:  [ from RRB Publishing, co-publisher ] "Peter Mitchell’s groundbreaking show was first presented at the Impressions Gallery of Photography York in November 1979, and more recently at the Rencontres d'Arles festival in 2016. Now, only 38 years overdue, it will be published as a book for the first time. In the mid-seventies, the...

    150,00 €
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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation: "August 1st, 2016: The Wear Helmet, Get Petrol, Be Safe campaign starts today. That doesn’t mean, of course, that you’ll be refused petrol if you aren’t wearing protective gear. Instead you’ll be handed a campaign leaflet by the pump-operator. In the Kochi-Ernakulam area there have been 17,000 two wheeler accidents in...

    25,00 €
  • Quick view Girard, Greg
    49,00 € Out of stock

    Publihser's presentation: "Japan’s southernmost prefecture, Okinawa, hosts a concentration of US military bases unlike anywhere outside the continental United States. More than half the 50,000 US troops stationed in Japan are based here. On the main island of Okinawa nearly 20% of the land is occupied by these bases. This large US military footprint, and...

    49,00 €
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  • Quick view Pantall, Colin
    160,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by the artist: "When Isabel was a baby I had a dream. In the dream it was Christmas. We lived above a pub in a single room crammed with old pub furniture. In one corner was a Christmas tree. It had real candles, all of which were balanced precariously on the tree’s branches. It also had electric lights which were plugged into the socket using...

    160,00 €
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  • 192 pages - Hardcover, tape-bound The Velvet Cell, 2017 (500 copies) Format : 14 x 21 cm *Signed* New - Mint condition Presentation of the photobook by Skinnerboox: " « A Guide to Infrastructure and Corruption is a long-term project that I started in 2009 when the opportunity to become a conscious citizen arose. A new overpass was to be built a block away...

    46,00 €
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  • Quick view Jude, Ron
    42,00 € In Stock

    Publisher's presentation: "Ron Jude’s Vitreous China is comprised of an archive of photographs he made while exploring areas of light industry in (primarily) Midwestern American cities. Rather than comment on the workings of industry itself, Jude depicts the ambient peripheral zones suffusing these environments: big rig parking lots, side exits, and other...

    42,00 €
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  • 72 pages - Hardcover Analogues, 2017 Format 21 x 21 cm *Signed* New - Mint condition Presentationof the photobook by Analogues : "Brigitte Bauer’s images have no other artifice but intention. And a framing of which she alone holds the secret. Emotions, stories, the unspoken, revelations and sometimes an aspiration to an undefined otherworldliness seem to...

    25,00 €
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  • The full title of the book is Ka-Boom The Explosion of Landscape; it includes at the end of the book a signed & numbered C-Print (format 19 x 13.5 cm).120 pages (8 gatefolds) - Hardcover Editions Bessard, 2017 (500 copies) Format : 16 x 24 cm *Signed Print* New - Mint condition A fictional explosive manual in photobook formExcerpt from the text...

    75,00 €
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Showing 1121 - 1152 of 1226 items