
The work of photo-reporters, war reporters, daily photojournalists. Books dealing with current events or those of yesterday, whether conflicts, the life of Western societies or others, the important or insignificant events of our history or from History.

The work of photo-reporters, war reporters, daily photojournalists. Books dealing with current events or those of yesterday, whether conflicts, the life of Western societies or others, the important or insignificant events of our history or from History.


Photojournalism There are 162 books.

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Showing 65 - 96 of 162 items
  • Publisher's presentation: "Shot between 2013 and 2014, If you lived here, you'd be home by now questions the existence and function of Ireland's ghost estates - housing estates that were built throughout Ireland, but never occupied due to the the economic crash of 2008."56 pages - Hardcover The Velvet Cell, 2016 (500 copies) Format : 17.5 x 23 cm New -...

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  • L'Ascenseur Végétal is now offering all available titles from the French collection "Photo Poche". This series of black pocket-size books is a staple among photobooks in France, and all photography lovers and amateurs have at least one in their bookshelves, often dozens! This series initially curated by Robert Delpire and published by "Centre National de...

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  • Publisher's presentation: "The project for this book has a programmatic quality, like a prefiguration of future works. Perhaps it also works like a mirror—like an optical machine in any case—that brings together distant things, various times, experiences, places, and forms (drawings, photos, writing, etc.), and that’s exactly what Michel Couturier set out...

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  • .One imperfect copy available. Presentation by Lecturis: "The photos in I loved my wife were taken on the site of 16 Austrian psychiatric institutions. Tens of thousands of children were murdered in these institutions during the Second World War. Killed because they were considered to be incurably ill. The costs of keeping them alive were too high for...

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  • .Back in stock. Publisher's presentation: "At a moment when the world is facing the world’s largest refugee and migration crisis since the Second World War, Incoming by Irish artist and Deutsche Börse Photography Prize winner Richard Mosse deals with the major humanitarian and political plight of our time, the displacement of millions due to war,...

  • .Sold out.Presentation by D.A.P.: " « A visual conundrum of incalculable mystery. »   -- Martin Parr, The Photobook: A History In 1977, photographers Larry Sultan (1946–2009) and Mike Mandel (born 1950) published a book that would radically transform both photography and the photobook canon—a book described by Martin Parr, in The Photobook: A History, as...

  • .Sold out. Publisher's presentation : "In The Face Of Silence is a powerful and moving portrait of the hard lives of French family farmers living and working in the Forez region, on the eastern side of the Massif Central. Born and brought up in the area, photographer Christophe Agou travelled to the less-known parts of the region, where he felt inspired...

  • Publisher's presentation : "Publié à l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de Magnum Photos, cet ouvrage retrace l’histoire de l’agence sous l’angle du livre de photographies, outil essentiel aux photographes pour faire connaître leur travail. Il inclut des pépites puisées dans les archives des auteurs, qui racontent les secrets de la conception de leurs livres....

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  • .Signed copies back in stock.Publisher's presentation: "In Harrodsburg, Dougie Wallace looks at the excessive wealth and consumerism that can be found around the Knightsbridge area close to the world famous department store, Harrods. From the mid-1970s onwards, Gulf millionaires began coming to the area. They were later joined by the Oligarchs and the...

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  • Publisher's presentation: "Over the last two years John Comino-James has been been photographing demonstrations across many parts of the UK, from those associated with the 2015 General Election right through to the 2016 EU Referendum. In his new book, Shout It Loud, Shout It Clear, he offers extensive photographic evidence of the astonishing breadth of...

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  • .Back in stock. Publisher's presentation of Chris Steele-Perkins' photobook: "1956, sixty years ago, was a watershed year for Teds. In September that year the Bill Haley film Rock Around The Clock arrived in the UK. With five records in the top twenty, Haley was a major star and the film screened at some three hundred cinemas across the country. It wasn’t...

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  • .Last copy.Presentation on the artist's website: "Soldiers who suffer from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are emotionally wounded and carry these wounds with them all their lives. The past 2 years I’ve been working on my new project Only The Sky Remains Untouched: portraits of 15 war veterans who suffer from PTSD. All photos were taken at ‘De...

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  • Presentation on the website of the photographer Lorenzo Tricoli (excerpt) : "An original tale of Italy’s XXth Century. Italy’s XXth Century is narrated through extracts of Carlo Collodi’s novel, matched to a selection of Italian images coming from the web. An artist photobook, surreal and conceptual. An angry and ironic piece of art. « The real...

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  • Publisher's presentation: "Le quartier du Mirail, « une opération d’avant-garde, humaniste par excellence », était un rêve d’urbaniste. Cette utopie ne put s’adapter aux réalités changeantes de la ville, aux mutations de la société française. Au-delà des analyses de l’échec, le photographe Luc Delahaye mesure avec ses outils l’espace entre l’idéal d’une...

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  • Quick view Abril, Laia
    $53.78 Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation: "Lobismuller tells the story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, Spain's bloodiest and most enigmatic serial killer, from a female perspective. Manuel was born Manuela and originally believed to be a woman: according to modern forensic theories, he (or she) may have lived with a rare syndrome of intersexuality. Blanco Romasanta was...

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  • Publisher's presentation: " « Security barrier » for the Israelis, « wall of apartheid » for the Palestinians or « separation barrier » for Human Rights Watch, beyond the political debate, Josef Koudelka shows the wall as a manmade scar that mars the natural landscape. Wall assembles panoramic landscape photographs in black and white, taken between 2008...

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  • .PLEASE NOTE : This book is temporarily out of stock, additional copies will be available for shipment in early May 2017.Publisher's presentation : "« Corentin Fohlen nous conduit hors des sentiers battus des lieux communs attendus sur la misère et le chaos social, pour nous entraîner dans les arcarnes d’un quotidien plus terre à terre, plus intime et...

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  • .Sold out.We are still offering the trade edition of this book here.Presentation on Yoshida Akihito's website: "There is a district called Hazaribagh in Dacca, the capital city of Bangladesh. It’s a southwestern district of the capital known for densely concentrated oxhide processing factories since East Pakistan State era before the independence in...

  • .Sold out. Presentation on the artist's website: "There is a district called Hazaribagh in Dacca, the capital city of Bangladesh. It's a southwestern district of the capital known for densely concentrated oxhide processing factories since East Pakistan State era before the independence in 1971. 90% of domestic oxhide production comes from this district...

  • Publisher's presentation : "Since men cultivate the land, rivalries over water are a source of disputes. This concept is expressed directly in the English language, “rivalry” from the Latin rivalis, means “the one who uses the same river as the other.” It was around 2600 BC in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) that took place the first known water war. The...

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  • .One copy available.Presentation by Meta/Books: " - Suzanne Gloria Lyall, missing since March 2 1998 in Albany (NY), at the age of 19 - Out of the Blue is a conceptual work with a tragic underlying narrative — the disappearance of the teenager. The project tends to question our relationship towards absence and loss and the need of physicality in the...

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  • Quick view Collectif
    $49.20 Out of stock

    Presentation by André Frère: " What is it that lies behind the UFO phenomena? Is it just a commercially profitable story, a delusion with social consequences, a religious myth, or even a physical phenomenon? Through an investigative journey through the states of Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona, Sara Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen and Tobias Selnaes...

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  • Text from the inside of the cover : "In the early 1970s, farmers, workers, and students united under the slogan « We will not surrender our land! ». This protest, known as the Narita or Sanrizuka Struggle, led to a series of fierce, bloody battles. A woman in peasant clothing covered all over with mud, in heavy rain, had tied herself to a thick post with...

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  • Quick view Fathi, David
    $85.82 Out of stock

    Presentation by Skinnerboox: "Using the photographic archives of the CERN laboratory, David Fathi has manipulated and recontextualized images to tell the strange tale of the Pauli Effect; the myth that Wolfgang Pauli, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, would just by his presence cause unexplainable failures of equipment and experiments. The photos...

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  • .Sold out. Publisher's presentation: "For over thirty years, Patrick Zachmann has traveled across China, a country he discovered in 1982 while reporting on the Chinese film industry. From Hong Kong triads in the 1980’s to the mutation of the city of Beijing through Tiananmen Square protests, this book brings together around 350 B&W and colour...

  • The Eyes N°6 - spring-summer 2015 (100% English/French) For this issue, The Eyes has decided change tack. We have chosen to reflect on the notion of territory. Whether geographical, political, legal, cultural or mental, it is consistently subject to friction, even conflict. Think of the refugee crisis and the reaction it elicited: barriers being erected...

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  • Presentation by Yan Morvan : "Why and how to photograph the war?Willingness to inform, to participate in the movement of history? How to tell the unbelievable - the images of horror follow the images of horror. The spectacularization of the world through television, the press, the Internet and real-time information has undermined our capital of empathy...

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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation : "Dominique is the most given mixed first name in France, it is also the twenty-seventh most popular first name, associating it with Lambert, the twenty-seventh most comon surname, Stéphanie Solinas defines as a study population the one hundred and ninety-one Dominique Lambert listed in the directory of individuals...

  • Publisher's presentation: "While combining personal and archival material and drawing references from the experiments in social psychology carried out by Solomon Ash, Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo, this is a tale of psychological reality experienced by an individual upon encountering and ultimately losing one’s identity in the social environment....

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  • Publisher's presentation : "Breaking news such as the terror attacks in Paris are a veritable jackpot for traditional media in their race for a larger audience. The endless stream of repetitive news, horrifying images and rhetoric create terror's outlook and converts it into a mass consumption product. Much like advertisement, which twists reality in...

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  • Presentation for Yan Morvan's KissKissBankBank project: [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] "Apaches of the early twentieth century, hoodlums of the 30s: they were the first bad boys. With the 50s comes the reign of the blousons noirs (black jackets) on the Parisian pavement and in the suburb. Rock 'n' Roll arrives in France at the same time as Eddie...

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  • Presentation for Yan Morvan's KissKissBankBank project:     [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] "Apaches of the early twentieth century, hoodlums of the 30s: they were the first bad boys. With the 50s comes the reign of the blousons noirs (black jackets) on the Parisian pavement and in the suburb. Rock 'n' Roll arrives in France at the same time as Eddie...

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Showing 65 - 96 of 162 items