La Promesse

@ Atkins, Nicéphore



Presentation by Filigranes:           [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal]

" Filigranes release the first publication by Marilia Destot, La promesse [The promise], a set of 3 photographic booklets, grouped together in a slipcase. For each booklet, the photographer invites an author to a dialogue with her images, leaving them a carte blanche. Dominique A, Sabine Huynh and Keren Ann are the 3 authors chosen.

« La promesse follows along the time my couple, my family, my child, in suspended moments, in atmospheres wihtout any specific geography, put into a dialogue, a continuity, as in a dream-movie or a photographic poem. Faces, landscapes, and details of daily life echo each other and draw in watermarks the movie of our memories. The expectations and the absences, the cycles and the ruptures, the small happy moments and the small cracks... from the desire of a child to maternity, towards childhood met anew, La promesse celebrates the little moments of elation, the hidden fears, the ordinary miracles of life. And draws a contemplative memory of time going by. »

       -- Marilia Destot, 2019

[…] Cicatriser le réel d’aube en aube
sentir que tout vibre au-dehors
et en dedans que les vibrations se répondent
qu’à l’immobile le mouvant ne s’oppose pas mais que tout tend à l’équilibre […]

       -- Dominique A

[…] que croire en ce silence qui s’oublie
ce qui porte la main du corps hors-champ
le délicat galop des doigts vers le distant dédale
ce lieu du désir, l’appel de la vie nouvelle où le corps […]

       -- Sabine Huynh

A breath of spring
Tapped on my lips
My hand was held
My heart was hit […]

       -- Keren Ann      "

Texts in French, except Keren Ann in English.

144 pages - Three softcover booklets in a soft cardboard slipcase

Filigranes, 2020

Format : 17 x 23 cm

New - Mint condition

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Atkins, Nicéphore

Who is this photographer? A short explanation. The name of this virtual photographer has been generated - wink-wink - from the first name of the author of the oldest photograph to have reached our times, Nicéphore Niépce, and the last name of the creator of the first book to ever use photography, Anna Atkins (book "British Algae"). The process of adding books to our website can be time demanding as we need to create a page for each photographer and a page for each publisher (in both French and English) before creating the new book, and connecting it to its author and publisher. Consequently, it can happen, in super busy times, that we will create a new book and use "Nicéphore Atkins" as the photographer attached to this book. Of course, this is not out of lack of respect for the artists, and we ask for your forgiveness, for THEIR forgiveness, that we are sometimes taking this easy route. We will limit the use of this pseudonym as much as possible, and we will try to create the missing pages as quickly as possible, in order to re-attribute the books to their righteous creators. Thank you for your understanding. © Portrait of artist Stromae by Benjamin Brolet during the shooting of a video for the album "Racine carrée".
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