Au Roi du bois (chapitre II) (*signed*)

@ Broyer, Anne-Lise



Publisher's presentation:

"In the rustling of leaves and the touching of barks, searching for the « Roi du bois » (« King of the woods »), an antique and litterary figure, these « minuscule landscapes » or « meticulous landscapes », as if dried out, try to make an inventory, like in an herbarium, of these small places, these places already seen, already read : from Némi to the Désert de Retz in the forest of Marly, passing by Tiffauges, Barbizon, Giverny Apchon, Vézelay, Châtelus-le-Marcheix or Auvers-sur-Oise."

Presentation of the artist:

"Anne-Lise Broyer declares that she sees the world as a reader, and goes further by claiming that the experience of photography merges with that of reading." Her eye would circulate in the landscape of the way it circulates in the book, tracking the presence that seizes, requires, scares or delights.

Where the writer would take out his notebook, Anne-Lise Broyer takes out her camera and makes an image. Landscapes or portraits, still lifes ... in black and white most often, as if to find the gray of the text or something like gray matter. ...

Borrowing the paths of graphic design, drawing and writing, she seeks by this hybridization to set up a kind of photographic literature. Anne-Lise Broyer's work conveys some mystery, but perhaps her secret lies not so much on the side of the object one looks at as on the side of the on-looker. "

96 pages - Softcover

Filigranes, 2008

Format 24 x 30 cm


New - Mint condition


Broyer, Anne-Lise

Anne-Lise Broyer is a French photographer; text and literature have an important place in the development of her work. She is represented by La Galerie Particulière, Paris. Among the photobooks she has published: "Au Roi du bois" (Filigranes, 2008), "Carnet d'A" (éditions nonpareilles, 2011), "Being Beauteous" (with Nicolas Comment, Filigranes, 2015), "Du Monde vers le Monde" (with René Tanguy, editions nonpareilles, 2016), "Journal de l'Oeil, Les Globes Oculaires" (Editions Loco, 2019). © Portrait by Renaud Monfourny from his blog on "Les Inrocks" magazine'w website
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