Mère et Fils

@ de Gelas, Anne



Presentation by Éditions Loco :    [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal]

"After the shock of the death of her partner, the father of her son, Anne De Gelas focused on the new shrunken family unit. Mère et Fils (Mother and Son) is this face-to-face relationship, this intense bond, and - in the heart of this situation - the permanence of feminity and desire, the return to life.

Through her texts, drawings and photographs, she reveals the complexity of this relationship, the bond and the violence, solitude and tenderness. The evolution, induced by this face-to-face,is a very different experience for a son/child and a woman/mother; and life goes on, years go by, with physical changes for him and for her."

124 pages - Softcover

Éditions Loco, 2017

Format : 24 x 32 cm

New - Mint condition

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de Gelas, Anne

Anne de Gelas is an Belgian photographer and artist, working mainly in self-portrait and the telling of certains aspects, often very intimate, of her personal life. In particular, Anne de Gelas published two photobooks, L'Amoureuse (Le Caillou Bleu, 2013 - sold out ) and Mère et Fils (Loco éditions, 2017) about the premature of her partner, her grief and her bereavement, and the (re)construction of her life and that of their son, and of their relationship as a new 2-people entity. © Self-portrait by Anne de Gelas, taken from the artist's website
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