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Dans les années 70 & 80, conforté par la découverte du travail d'Eggleston au MoMA en 1976, Harry Gruyaert (Magnum Photos) a photographié la Belgique en couleurs. Superbe livre, par un des plus célèbres photographe belges.
En début d'ouvrage, et en contrepoint, une série d'images antérieures en N&B.
Harry Gruyaert indique : "La Belgique est probablement le pays européen qui s'est le plus vite américanisé après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, d'où la puissance de cette banalité, confrontée au surréalisme et à la force des traditions conservées malgré tout, alors que j'y travaillais avant le tournant du siècle. Aujourd'hui, c'est beaucoup moins flagrant, l'uniformisation gagne, avec une autre culture de la banalité, moins ancrée dans les traditions. Beau, laid, banalité du beau, beauté de la laideur. Ces contradictions sont aussi les miennes."
160 pages - Hardcover, no DJ
Éditions Xavier Barral, 2013
New - Mint condition
.Sold out. Presentation by Delpire : " This publication brings together the work of two major Belgian artists. In a unique approach, the photographer and the writer are offering their vision of Belgium. The vivid colors and the poignant gaze of the former merging with the poetry of the latter, they are offering us a powerful piece, where their...
Rivages (*signed / not signed*)
.PLEASE NOTE: Our last copies my have a couple spots very slightly rubbed on the cover, or a corner very slightly bumped (received as is from the distributor) - Inside Clean & Crisp. Presentation for the English version by Thames & Hudson: "The « edges » that Harry Gruyaert, a pre-eminent member of the Magnum photo agency, explores in this...
.Sold out. Presentation by Xavier Barral : "With over twenty new photographs, this revised edition of Roots (initially published in 2012 and quickly out of print) immerses us in the Belgium of the 1970s and 1980s. From the first black and white photographs to the revelation of colour, this publication explores the Belgium photographer’s singular, almost...
A Criminal Investigation (2nd edition)
.Sold out.We are offering copies of the third edition .This book tells the story of a criminal investigation, in B & W images, in the japanese countryside of the 50's. The artist followed the investigators in their roaming of the area, the crime scene, the surrounding neighborhoods, and into their offices... The images he brought convey a deep feeling...
A Criminal Investigation (3rd edition)
.Sold out. This Watabe Yukichi photobook tells the story of a criminal investigation, in B & W images, in the japanese countryside of the 50's. The artist followed the investigators in their roaming of the area, the crime scene, the surrounding neighborhoods, and into their offices... The images he brought convey a deep feeling of doubt, a strange...
American Geography (*1st printing*)
.Both editions (English & French) are indicated as Sold out by their respective publishers! The French edition will soon see a second printing, but we do not know about the English edition at this point in time (Jan. 3rd, 2022). Presentation by Thames & Hudson [publisher of the English edition] : " American Geography is the visual record of Magnum...