Photobooks published by Poursuite

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  • Quick view Tabuchi, Eric
    39,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by Poursuite: [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] " With this third volume The Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.3 (Atlas of Natural Regions Vol.3), Eric Tabuchi and Nelly Monnier follow on their long-term project initiated in 2017: documenting the 450 natural regions or 'lands' that compose the territory of France. An extraordinary photographic...

    39,00 €
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  • Quick view Tabuchi, Eric
    39,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by Poursuite: " The Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.2, as its name suggests, is the second of a series representing a singular photographic adventure, unique in terms of both its scope and its duration. Launched five years ago, its objective is to document, in equal measure, the 450 natural regions or ‘lands' constituting the territory of...

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    39,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by Poursuite: " The Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.1, as its name suggests, is the first of a series representing a singular photographic adventure, unique in terms of both its scope and its duration. Launched five years ago, its objective is to document, in equal measure, the 450 natural regions or ‘lands' constituting the territory of...

    39,00 €
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  • Quick view Collectif
    30,00 € In Stock

    .PLEASE NOTE: The texts in this book are IN FRENCH ONLY. Presentation by Poursuite: " Suite à la constitution de la région Grand Est composée de l'Alsace, de la Lorraine et de la Champagne-Ardenne il a été proposé à cinq photographes français d'explorer ce territoire librement pour en offrir leur vision; et ils proposent chacun une perspective unique sur...

    30,00 €
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  • Quick view Collectif
    42,00 € Out of stock

    .Available. Presentation by Poursuite Editions: " Los Angeles Standards is a photographic portrait of Los Angeles which offers a way to view the city through 15 typologies which identify this unique city environment. The 1300 photographs were taken between 2008 and 2012 by French architects Caroline and Cyril Desroche during the years they live in Los...

    42,00 €
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  • Presentation by Poursuite: " Borrowing its title from the book of Dashiell Hammett, pioneer American detective novelist, Red Harvest by Marguerite Bornhauser is an extension of the work initiated and presented at the MEP, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris. « In Dashiell Hammett's novel the coloured details could be considered as purely...

    25,00 €
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  • .Back in stock. Presentation by Poursuite: " Following the Atlas of Forms, Poursuite is publishing Électricité de France, the first book from the project Atlas des Régions Naturelles. Through a series of 75 photographs, Eric Tabuchi establishes a typology of power distribution stations – those buildings that transform high-voltage electricity into...

    28,00 €
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  • Presentation by Poursuite: "In 2017 Julie Hascoët was invited to participate in a residency by Carré d’Art in the city of Chartres de Bretagne. Benefiting from an annual programme with cartography as its central focus, and as part of a residency intended to highlight the local territory, Julie Hascoët’s project has extended these two themes by adding a...

    28,00 €
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  • Quick view Lay, Géraldine
    24,00 € Out of stock

    .A few copies back in stock!.Presentation by Poursuite : "Impromptus is a poetic wandering, a hieratic journey through various French cities over recent years, prompted by several artist residencies. Intimate images, street scenes, colourful impressions, both bittersweet and atemporal. This series by Géraldine Lay unfurls a very distinct universe and...

    24,00 €
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  • Quick view Collectif
    22,00 € In Stock

    Presentation by Poursuite éditions : "A North American tradition, « Barn Raising » is a collective effort to assemble and hoist up the timber framing of a barn for a community member. Sandro Della Noce, Guillaume Gattier and Gilles Pourtier conducted a tour of the Gaspé Peninsula (Province of Quebec) with the aim of documenting the old barns that dot the...

    22,00 €
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  • Quick view Tabuchi, Eric
    38,00 € Out of stock

    .Third printing available. Presentation by Poursuite : " Atlas of Forms is a large book of images collected by Éric Tabuchi that documents every kind of shape found in architecture of all types. Within its 256 pages, are nearly 1500 photographs patiently collected from the Internet and classified according to the rudimentary criteria of geometry (circle,...

    38,00 €
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  • .Sold out. Présentation de l'éditeur : "Blitz Club Blitz Kids is a series of images taken in 1980 by the photographer Homer Sykes in the famous London club the Blitz Club.« In the 1970s Britain was still in the midst of economic depression, a three day working week, unemployment was rising sharply, there were frequent strikes and severe inflation. Steve...

  • Publisher's presentation: "L'Indifférence des Étoiles (« The Indifference of the Stars ») is Julien Mauve's first photography book. It is about the quest for meaning and the difficulty to live with the knowledge that we exist. The stars somehow become a shelter for the mind and help us bear with the briefness of human life."88 pages - Hardcover Poursuite...

    35,00 €
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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation: "Twenty-Four Modern Lorraine Churches, published in conjunction with the exhibition Tables et Matières at the Médiathèque des Abattoirs in Toulouse, serially documents churches of the reconstruction period in the Lorraine region. During the fall and winter of 1944, the Third United States Army advanced from Nancy...

  • Publisher's presentation: "« Capturing a few small moments, Not All is a series of photographs that constructs a singular picture of Southeastern United States and evokes the passage from Winter to Spring, and the upcoming birth of a son. Pascal Amoyel develops his own subjective approach to photographing this territory, which exists both as a concrete...

    20,00 €
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  • Publisher's presentation : "Va-t’en me perdre où tu voudras (« Go on and lose me wherever you’d like ») is a journey of exploration into the loss of my father. His death a few years earlier was the result of an accident while roaming the south of Ireland by motorcycle with friends. Retracing his route filled me with both joy and sadness, inside and...

    25,00 €
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  • Quick view Lebart, Luce
    22,00 € Out of stock

    Presentation by the artist Luce Lebart: "Mold is the archive's number one enemy. It is a « risk factor » and an « agent of deterioration » to be fought with. In this sense, their creative potential is unjustly neglected and yet since the dawn of time the transformative power of microorganisms has been used to produce wine, beer, bread and cheese. In a...

    22,00 €
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  • Quick view Chardon, Laurent
    30,00 € Out of stock

    Publisher's presentation : "Laurent Chardon's Dédale includes various series of photographs taken during the years 2003 to 2013 and documents a Paris and its surroundings in transformation. If as indicated by the legend, Daedalus is the inventor of architecture and sculpture, the new Paris area that draws us here makes no longer any distinction between...

    30,00 €
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  • Presentation by Poursuite Editions: "In less than 200 years man has altered life on earth forever. The Anthropocene is the new geological age, an age in which the human species has become the prevailing geophysical force dominating all other natural forces that have hitherto impacted upon the earth. In geological time (4.5 billion years) 200 years...

    28,00 €
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  • Présentation by the publisher of Marco Barbon's photobook : "This takes place on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, but it could equally happen here. We are in Tangier, a place of departures, a border town between the North and the South of the world. The border serves those who pass through it looking to cross the Strait and reach Europe, as well...

    20,00 €
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  • .A few copies back in stock!. Publisher's presentation of the project: "Fluent by Laëtitia Donval is the second of the three residencies initiated by Lumière d’Encre focused on the coastal rivers of the Oriental Pyrenees : The Tech, The Têt and The Agly. The photographs were taken between October 2012 and May 2013 in the Têt Valley." This book is...

    20,00 €
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  • .A few copies back in stock!. Publisher's presentation of the project: "Rasclose by Geoffroy Mathieu is the first of the three residencies initiated by Lumière d’Encre focused on the coastal rivers of the Oriental Pyrenees : The Tech, The Têt and The Agly. The photographs were taken between February and September 2012 in the Tech Valley." This book is...

    18,00 €
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  • .Back in stock.The images in Coeur d'acier ("Heart of Steel") were made by Philippe Lopparelli (from the "Tendance Floue" collective) in Joeuf (eastern France) between 1990 and1992, when the blast furnaces and the structures of the steel industry - the pride and the source of wealth of the region since the 1880's - were being dismantled.These Black &...

    14,00 €
  • .Sold out.The first impression when looking at Toshio Shibata's work in Contacts is that of a very original way to look at things. The artist really observes the landscapes with a very sharp eye, and seems to be looking for calm, stability, and permanence... and lays his eyes on the man-made structures and how they integrate or oppose the surrounding...

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 items