
@ Sevincli, Yusuf



Presentation by Le bec en l'air:     [traduction by L'Ascenseur Végétal]

"The Marseille(s) collection offers each year a carte blanche to a Mediterranean photographer who gives his vision of the city. Year after year, the diversity of the ways of photographic expression draws the portrait of a multicultural city and brings it in a new light.

The first number in the series is by Yusuf Sevinçli, a young Turkish photographer whose work has already been on display throughout the world. With a highly contrasted black & white, a rather thick grain and an often scrtched surface, his almost compulsive shots of the daily life, wanderings and unstaility, offer a subjective and heartfelt vision of the world.

With a text by writer Christian Garcin, who grew up in Marseilles."

Text and mini-biography of the artist are in French and English.

The book is co-published by Le bec en l'air, publisher, and Le Percolateur, a platform for training and the spread of the culture of photography within the Mediterranean area.

48 pages - Softcover with flaps

Le bec en l'air / Le Percolateur, 2014

Format : 16.7 x 22.3 cm

New - Mint condition

Warning: Last books in stock!


Sevincli, Yusuf

Yusuf Sevinçli was born in 1980 in Zonguldak, Turkey. He lives and works in Istanbul. Photo: © centre-intermondes
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