Macquenoise (*signed*)

@ Liebaert, Pierre



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is a strange journey in a Belgian village near the French border, in a family of a mother and her son, who live engrained in the earth they live on, in a peculiar relationship, and a rather heavey general atmosphere.
The artist spent quite a long time in this family of two, and brings back from this unusual immersion a story that is sometimes crude, yet simple & beautiful.

The format and design of this book (foldable three-page sleeve and newsprint paper) are also quite simple but very elegant and perfectly appropriate for this chronic of ordinary life in this somehow remote village.

Text by Septembre Tiberghien, in French and English.
Each copy is signed & numbered.

32 pages - Soft cardboard sleeve and newsprint

Le Caillou Bleu, 2013


New in plastic sleeve - Mint condition

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