Artist and Her Model (*signed*)

@ Brotherus, Elina



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Note : See "Suggestions" tab for unsigned copies at 29 €.

Artist and Her Model
est une mise en abyme de l'autoportrait. En effet, Elina Brotherus, avec cet ouvrage, revient sur les quinze premières années de son travail sur l'auto-portrait, afin de l'analyser à nouveau, a posteriori, et d'y retrouver la femme d'avant, l'artiste d'avant et les fils conducteurs qui représenteraient la permanence de sa recherche.

On retrouve dans ce livre la passionnée d'art qui s'insipire de tableux pour se mettre en scène, la femme heureuse ou blessée dans sa vie intime, l'amie, la professeure, l'élève.
Un livre fort car il nous démontre la patience, l'opiniâtreté voire l'obstination de l'artiste dans sa démarche.

Copies signées par l'artiste.

Photographies accompagnées de textes de Susan Bright et Timo Kelaranta, en anglais dans le livre, et en français et finlandais dans un petit livret d'accompagnement.


224 pages - Hardcover, no DJ

Le Caillou Bleu, 2012


New - Mint condition

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From the Editor

"I’m 40 years old now. Since my early photographs, more than 15 years ago, I have used myself as a model. It’s a strange feeling to look back at the work done and to look at that young person I used to be. I am living now what was an unknown future for her. What has happened, what has changed? The apartments, the boyfriends; the face has grown older. The aesthetics of my photography have, nevertheless, remained the same. It’s surprinsing to realise though, that all of a sudden I’m no longer the youngest one in group shows. At my age my parents were already dead. My health degrades, like for many friends of my age. Some have passed away. I guess it’s all these morbid thoughts that led into the idea of this book.
I didn’t want it to be “just the fourth monograph”. It’s important to juxtapose images of different times for comparison – investigating age, questioning what we are at a certain moment, where do I see myself now. I wish to show the time warp from 1996 to 2011, to show the line that continues through the work, and to look at the young Elina with a certain amusement, yet tenderly."

 -- Elina Brotherus

Brotherus, Elina

Elina Brotherus , born in 1972 in Finland is a Finnish professional photographer and video artist. She divides her time between Helsinski, Finland, and Paris and Avallon, France. Her work has been alternating between autobiographical and art-historical approaches. Photographs dealing with the human figure and the landscape, the relation of the artist and the model, gave way to images on subjective experiences in her recent bodies of work Annonciation and Carpe Fucking Diem . Photo: Self-portrait © Elina Brotherus
  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation: "I’m 40 years old now. Since my early photographs, more than 15 years ago, I have used myself as a model. It’s a strange feeling to look back at the work done and to look at that young person I used to be. I am living now what was an unknown future for her. What has happened, what has changed? The apartments, the...

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