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Text included in the book:
"Sometimes, memories are linked with five senses. And it is sometimes strange.
For me, it would be a sound. Sometimes it is linked with a taste, sometimes with a scent.
In Japan, people say about love, « taste like a lemon », so there might be a pathway in the human memory to be brought back to the facts by the five senses.
Memories. The clarity of the memories are usually mentioned by the strength of the fact.
But sometimes, it is linked with the five senses and when it is, the fact will be reminded more vividly.
And for most of the times, those senses lead me to a feeling of what I have felt at the scenery.
Taste of mandarin reminds me of my family, always. Mother's hands peeling mandarin, red cover for a kotatsu and a newspaper stained by mandarin juice. And I am always discouraged by something, maybe disappointed love.
Taste of mandarin is linked with adolescent memories of its sweet and sour taste.
Patrick's Le goût des mandarines is a taste of his memories.
-- Takeki Sugiyama "
The text by Takeki Sugiyama is in original Japanese, and English and French translations.
64 pages - Hardcover
Le Caillou Bleu, 2012
Format 19 x 24.5 cm
New - Mint condition
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