List of photobooks by photographer Plossu, Bernard

Bernard Plossu, born in 1945 in Đà Lạt, in the South of Vietnam, is a French photographer. Most of his work consists of travel logs or stories in pictures.
Photo: © Jean-Michel Sordello

Bernard Plossu, born in 1945 in Đà Lạt, in the South of Vietnam, is a French photographer. Most of his work consists of travel logs or stories in pictures.
Photo: © Jean-Michel Sordello

His vocation as a traveling photographer is perhaps due to the trip he made to the Sahara with his father in 1958 ... Many others follow: in 1965 in Mexico to photograph the jungle of the Chiapas, then among the Mayan Indians, in California , in the American West, Nevada, the Midwest ...

It is during a trip to India in 1970, that was born the idea of ​​a "surbanalist" photography, which, like surrealism but in a less romantic way, reveals an immanent intensity to banality. In 1975, Plossu made his first trip to Niger. From then on, he only makes black-and-white photos taken with a focal length of 50 mm to place himself in the margins of commercial photography.

He participated in the adventure of Contrejour with Claude Nori, and they will meet again for the creation of the Cahiers de la Photographie with Gilles Mora, Jean-Claude Lemagny and Denis Roche.

Bernard Plossu and Portugal

After Stromboli Island (Aeolian Islands), and Lipari Island Plossu became passionate about Portugal in the 1990s. In 1998 and 1999, he exhibited his work twice at the Portuguese Photographic Center in Porto, photos about the region of Porto and about Portugal, at exhibitions respectively entitled "Porto" and "Poetry Country", which resulted in catalogs with the same title.

Exhibited from 1981 at the Rencontres d'Arles, his work will then be visible at the National Center of Art and Culture Georges Pompidou, in the Normandy Impressionist Festival, and the European House of Photography (Paris), as well as in Strasbourg , Le Havre, Lyon, Mulhouse ...

In 2012, an exhibition is devoted to his trip to Mexico in 1965. Presented at the Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Besançon. More than 200 pictures are put forward, revealing the photographer's encounter with the photographed object. Plossu will say that this trip allowed him to find his style, to forge his vision.

In 1988, he received the Grand Prix National de la Photographie

Bibliography: Already published photo books / monographs

2016 Western Colors, Editions Textuel, Préface de Max Evans & Francis Hodgson, Paris,
2015 Couleurs Fresson, Editions De l'air
2014 Maroc 1975, (photos Bernard Plossu, texte Abdellah Karroum), Éditions Hors'champs,
2013 Marc Donnadieu, Couleurs Plossu : séquences photographiques 1956-2013, Hazan,
2011 Far Out! Les années hip : Haight-Ashbury, Big Sur, India, Goa, Médiapop éditions, Mulhouse,
2010 Françoise Nunez + Bernard Plossu = Ensemble, Éditions Libel, Lyon,
2009 Versant d'Est. Le Jura en regard, textes par Emmanuel Guigon, Cédric Lesec et Yves Ravey, Éditions du Sekoya, Besançon,
2007 So Long. Vivre l'Ouest américain 1970/1985, Éditions Yellow Now,
      L'Étrange Beauté de la ville d'Hyères, Images en manœuvres éditions, Marseille,
        Plossu / La Frontera, Éditions Yellow Now,
2006 Au Nord, Centre régional de la photographie du Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douchy-les-Mines,
        Rétrospective 1963-2006, par Gilles Mora, Éditions des deux terres, Paris,
2005 Voyages vers l'Italie, 2004, Musée Gassendi, Images en manœuvres éditions, Marseille,
1999 Le Pays de la Poésie", Centre portugais de photographies, Porto, Portugal
1998 Porto, Centre portugais de photographies, Porto, Portugal
1996 Le Souvenir de la mer, réserve géologique de Haute-Provence, Images en manœuvres éditions, Marseille,
1987 Regards sur les musées de la région du Nord Pas-de-Calais, collectif, Éditions du CRP du Nord Pas-de-Calais,
1979 Le Voyage mexicain, Éditions Contrejour, Biarritz,
1976 Go West, Éditions du Chêne, Paris,
1972 Surbanalisme : séquences photographiques, Éditions du Chêne, Paris,
1970 Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas hippie ?, Éditions de La Palatine, Paris,

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  • .PLEASE NOTE: the texts in this book are in French only. Presentation by Filigranes : [translation by L'Ascenseur Végétal] " « In a sense, I like to be where I am not expected. It is not beacause I like poetic photography à la Boubat or à la Frank that I do not like, or am not able to appreciate other things. In fact, since the early seventies, I had...

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  • .Last signed copy!. Presentation by Editions Xavier Barral:" Half traveler and half migratory photographer, as he likes to introduce himself, Bernard Plossu strides along the world since many years. He captures through his lens furtive moments, where birds are flying in huge swarms or caught alone, standing proudly in the middle of a puddle, or gliding...

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  • Presentation by Filigranes : [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal] "« In the early seventies, going through Rome, during a cold and rainy winter; no good photographs, I had a wide-angle! except two or three in empty and quiet Pompeii under the magnificent rain... Later, in 1979, having finally understood the quiet strength of the 50 mm, coming from the high...

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  • Presentation by Thames & Hudson, publisher of the English edition : "Bernard Plossu has been called “the most American of French photographers” by his friend and colleague Lewis Baltz. Although he is best known for his work in black and white, often capturing a bohemian world of free-spirited adventure, Plossu has also shot in color throughout his...

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  • .Sold out.Publisher's presentation : "Midway between a book and a portfolio, this unbound  large format work (30 x 40 cm), printed on a rare stock in a limited edition, signed & numbered (170 copies), is a selection of Fresson colors by Bernard Plossu. The foreword is by Sylvie Hugues."In the black box : - 12 photographs "Couleur Fresson" in double...

  • .Sold out.Un Roman Gris de Bernard Plossu est le N°7 de la superbe "Zine Collection" des Éditions Bessard. Cette petite série au tirage très limité (entre 100 et 250 ex.) est proposée avec un tirage original signé par l'auteur ! L'Ascenseur Végétal vous propose également dans cette série très exigeante les auteurs suivants : Zhu Mo (N°3 - The Emptiness),...

  • Rien de mieux que les mots de Bernard Plossu lui-même : "[…] Des photos de ce que la vie apporte comme moments non prévus, des photos qui vous prennent pourrait-on dire, le Nord aussi beau et sauvage que le grand Ouest américain ! Je me suis mis à l'aimer, petit à petit, ce Nord qui rentrait en moi au fur et à mesure que Pierre Devin m'y faisait découvrir...

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