El Frente

@ El Cíclope Mecánico



Publisher's presentation:

"El Jebha (El Frente en espagnol) is a small coastal town in the foothills of the Rif Mountains of northern Morocco. Known as Puerto Capaz during the Spanish Protectorate, El Jebha is and was a privileged witness to the recent history of co-existence between Spain and Morocco.

«The photographs are not the final goal of our work but the vehicle in which the emotions of the neighboring antiheroes from both sides of the Strait travel. By means of that vehicle, the southern neighbors have discovered their past while the others, the northerners, have discovered the present of a place that they carry in their hearts –like us, who already feel like citizens of that wide space where we have attempted to turn physical borders into imaginary ones.»

  --  El Cíclope Mecánico "

88 pages - Softcover

Ediciones Anómalas, 2015

New - Mint condition

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