
@ Brüggemann, Jörg



Presentation by Hartmann Books:

" The Autobahn [The Highway] is an asphalt carpet thirteen thousand kilometers in length that covers all of Germany, both interfering with the landscape and interconnecting the country.

Jörg Brüggemann photographed it for five years, from 2014 to 2019. While mobility concepts are constantly changing and being discussed, the Autobahn has remained the same in its form—but for how much longer?

Brüggemann's pictures might soon be seen as historical documents. The highway is probably Germany's most monumental built structure and an integral part of its cultural identity and history. Designed and in its first segments constructed in the 1920s (before the Nazis), it was given a musical tribute by Kraftwerk in 1974.

The Autobahn stands for the unconditional belief in the future of the postwar period, German engineering, driving without speed limits, but also for traffic jams, lineups of trucks, and multi-vehicle accidents.

Brüggemann shares his fascination and doubts through his pictures. They pose questions about the present and future of mobility. How appropriate and sustainable is this gigantic infrastructure today, where unlimited growth and individual freedom on the one hand and ecology and public interest on the other hand meet in visible contradiction every day? "

This series "Autobahn" was on display during the summer 2021 at Friche La Belle de Mai, in Marseilles, France.

96 pages - Hardcover

Hartmann Books, 2020

Format : 26.8 x 32 cm

New - Mint condition

Warning: Last books in stock!


Brüggemann, Jörg

Jörg Brüggemann is a German photographer and teacher; he is a member of the photography agency Ostkreuz since 2009. In 2012, he publishes "Metalheads - The Global Brotherhood" with gestalten Verlag, then in 2020 "Autobahn" with Hartmann Books. His series "Autobahn" was on display during the summer 2021 at Friche La Belle de Mai, in Marseilles, France. © Portrait taken from Ostkreuz agency's website
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