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Presentation by Loose Joints:
" Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya is one of the largest rhinoceros sanctuaries in the world and home to Najin & Fatu, a mother and daughter who are the last living Northern White Rhinos in existence. Davison visited Ol Pejeta to photograph Najin & Fatu with their tirelessly devoted caretaker Zacharia, for a New York Times article about the successful in-vitro fertilization of their frozen eggs by a team of scientists, that may soon create a lifeline to avoid extinction of the species.
Davison turns his inimitable eye on Ol Pejeta Conservancy to capture the grace, power and pathos of Najin & Fatu, as well as focusing on the deep spiritual and physical connection between the rhinos and their keepers, who guard them with their life, using dogs, weapons, drones and surveillance.
Like the powerful interplay of light and dark that often characterises Davison's work, Ol Pejeta is also a story of contrasts: on the one hand, the deep tragedy of another species slipping away at the hands of mankind, and on the other, the hope and optimism presented by science and innovation to support and uplift the fragile natural world. "
The book is inserted in a folded poster acting as a cover or slipcase. Text in English by Sam Anderson.
This book is sold out by the publisher.
44 pages - No real cover (outside of the poster)
Loose Joints, 2021
Format : 24.5 x 26.5 cm
Ne - Mint condition
This book is no longer in stock
.Back in stock (3rd edition / printing). Presentation by Loose Joints: "Loose Joints is proud to present Photographs, a story of British artist Jack Davison's experiments with image making from 2007 to 2019 A self-taught photographer, Davison makes pictures like a painter paints, using intuition and instinct to craft photographs that excavate the surreal...
.Sold out. Presentation by Loose Joints: " The Amen Break is a singular sample of a four-bar drum solo that went on to change the course of music in the twentieth century. Originally derived from seven seconds of a soul B-side by The Winstons, the sample proliferated with the rise of hip hop in the 1980s and became a staple of drum and bass and jungle...
Presentation by Loose Joints: " Robin Friend's second book Apiary continues to explore the surreal and sinister haunting of the British landscape he first depicted in Bastard Countryside with an apocalyptic, nocturnal series flirting with notions of democracy and resistance. Apiary uses a cinematic lens to uncover the dark underbelly of Lewes, a town in...
.Sold out. Presentation by Loose Joints: " Bastard Countryside collects together 15 years worth of exploration within the British landscape, dwelling on what Victor Hugo called the bastard countryside: « somewhat ugly but bizarre, made up of two different natures ». Friend's large-format colour images scrutinise these in-between, unkempt, and often...