Everyday Africa

@ Collectif




Presentation by Kehrer:

" Everyday Africa: 30 Photographers Re-Picturing a Continent combats the clichés that depict Africa as a place of only poverty, disease, and war. Featuring the finest images from the acclaimed social media project, the book showcases photos of ordinary life that find beauty in stories rarely seen, shifting perception from the sensationalized extremes to a more textured, familiar reality. Photographs run alongside sections of Instagram commentary inspired by the images. Shocking, funny, and heart-felt, the comments are lighthearted one moment, caustic the next, speaking volumes about widely held perceptions of Africa while underscoring the continent's increased connectivity in a globalized world. Together they justify the project's very existence.

Created in 2012 by Peter DiCampo and Austin Merrill, Everyday Africa has [268,000 in 2017, today 420,000] followers on Instagram and has been published in media outlets worldwide. Exhibition cities include New York, Casablanca, Istanbul, Delhi, and Cambridge.

Photographers: Nana Kofi Acquah, Jana Ašenbrennerová, Girma Berta, Guillaume Bonn, Barry Christianson, Daouda Corera, Peter DiCampo, Edward Echwalu, Laura El-Tantawy, Yagazie Emezi, Andrew Esiebo, Malin Fezehai, Glenna Gordon, Jane Hahn, Idil Ibrahim, Shannon Jensen, Mahmoud Khattab, Lindsay Mackenzie, Austin Merrill, Holly Pickett, Whitney Richardson, Christina Rizk, Tom Saater, Allison Shelley, Charlie Shoemaker, Ricci Shryock, Nichole Sobecki, Sara Terry, Ley Uwera, Sam Vox. "

This book is virtually sold out by the publisher.

Design: Teun van der Heijden.

PLEASE NOTE: Our last copy is NEW but has been browsed; it has been opened and showed to a few customers at the Bordeaux bookstore. However, it is in perfect condition, and it is NOT a display copy and it never was accessible for "free browsing".

448 pages - Hardcover

Kehrer Verlag, 2017

Format : 16.5 x 19.2 cm

New - Condition: see note above

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Books presenting the work of a group of photographers, either working on a common project, or assembled by the publisher for the purpose of the book.
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