Experimental Relationship Vol. 1

@ Liao, Pixy



Presentation by Jiazazhi:

" « As a woman brought up in China, I used to think I could only love someone who is older and more mature than me, who can be my protector and mentor. Then I met my current boyfriend, Moro. Since he is 5 years younger than me, I felt that whole concept of relationships changed, all the way around. I became the person who has more authority & power. One of my male friends even questioned how I could choose a boyfriend the way a man would choose a girlfriend. And I thought, Damn right. That’s exactly what I’m doing, & why not!

I started to experiment with this relationship. I would set up all kinds of situations for Moro and I to perform in the photos. My photos explore the alternative possibilities of heterosexual relationships. They question what is the norm of heterosexual relationships. What will happen if man & woman exchange their roles of sex & roles of power. Because my boyfriend is Japanese, and I am Chinese, this project also describes a love and hate relationship.

This project is an ongoing project which grows with our real relationship but is never meant to be a documentation.

       -- Pixy Liao » "

This book received a « Jurors' Special Mention » as part of the Aperture Awards during Paris Photo 2018; and the series has been exhibited during the 2019 Rencontres d'Arles festival.

NB : Please note all copies have the blister slit-open to make sure they are of the 1st printing

160 pages - Semi-rigid cover

Jiazazhi, 2018 (1st printing / 500 copies)

Format : 16.8 x 26 cm

New - Mint condition

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Liao, Pixy

Pixy Liao is a Chinese artist and photographer based in New York. She is mostly known for her "Experimental Relationship" series where she stages moments of her life with her male partner, moments of daily or unusual life, often with an awkward twist where she questions gender, sexuality and representation of women in the media. The photobook "Experimental Relationship Vol. 1" is published in 2018 by Jiazazhi, and the work is displayed during the 2019  Rencontres d'Arles festival. © Portrait taken from the artist's website
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