Une Vallée (*signed*)

@ de Vallombreuse, Pierre



Presentation by the(M) éditions :      [translation L'Ascenseur Végétal]

"In 1988, for the first time, Pierre de Vallombreuse sets foot on the lands of this Valley, in the south of the Palawan island in the Philippines, home of Tau’Batu, or people of the boulders. Fascinated by this pacifist autochthonous community of hunters-gatherers, Pierre de Vallombreuse made numerous long stays over the last 30 years in the Valley and has become a privileged witness to the evolution of this people and its environment, gradually impacted by progress.

Through his photographic work, just as sensitive and poetic as ethnographic, Pierre de Vallombreuse shares with us the daily life of this people from the Valley, in an idyllic nature, little by little transformed by modernity and external influences."

The books comes with a tipped-in 8-page booklet containing a poem from the Pala’wan, in French & Palawano.

A few words by the publisher, interviewed on French television (and a few images) here.

66 pages (+8) - Softcover

the(M) éditions, 2018 (180 copies)

Format : 24 x 32 cm

*Signed & Numbered*

New - Mint condition

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de Vallombreuse, Pierre

Pierre de Vallombreuse is a French photographer dedicated to documenting autochthonous peoples lifestyles and living areas; he usually immerses himself for long periods of time with the people he is working with. Influenced by Joseph Kessel and Edgar Morin, among others entre autres, he is a photographer / anthropologist and his work is very sensitive to environmental issues such as deforestation, pollution, and global warming. His work has been published in numerous important newspapers and magazines over the last 25 years, and presented in important photography festivals (Rencontres d'Arles 1989) and institutions (Musée de l'Homme, Paris, 2018). Pierre de Vallombreuse has published several photobooks since the 90's, and among others Peuples (Flammarion, 2006), Hommes Racines (La Martinière, 2012), La Vallée (the(m), 2018), Badjaos (Les éditions de juillet, 2020). © Portrait taken from the artist's website
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