
@ Araki, Nobuyoshi


From the back cover:  

"Nobuyoshi Araki's Tokyo gathers twenty-eight exquisite diptychs by the artist from the 1970s. As one of Araki's first independent book projects, Tokyo is the prelude to his searing and ongoing exploration of life and the urban space of his hometown.

More than forty years after the first edition, Tokyo is being republished - as a bibliophile's monograph, supplemented for the first time by both the German and English translations of Kōji Taki's original essay, along with new texts by Yasufumi Nakamori and Inka Graeve Ingelmann."

This new edition of Tokyo is co-published by "Only Photography" and "Pinakhotek der Moderne", Münich. The contents are identical, but the covers differ. The "Only Photography" version is 40 € (publisher's pricing), the "Pinakothek der Moderne" version is 36 € (publisher's pricing).

NB : Please choose your edition / cover using the drop-down menu below the price before adding the book to your cart.

82 pages - Softcover with flaps

Only Photography / Pinakothek der Moderne, 2018

Format : 22.2 x 30 cm

New - Mint condition

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Araki, Nobuyoshi

Nobuyoshi Araki is a contemporary Japanese fine art photographer known for his prolific works and erotic imagery. While his photographs are often interested in the daily activities and traditional practices of his homeland, it is Araki's sexual imagery that provokes controversy and fascination. Photo : © self-portrait
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