Only God Can Judge Me

@ Gafsou, Matthieu



Publisher's presentation :

"Matthieu Gafsou spent more than a year immersed in the lives of drug addicts. His photographs reveal the night, the moral abandon, and an altered reality.

The portraits are noble, picturesque, far from the clichés the subject attracts; they reside alongside still lifes, allegorical landscapes, and abstractions. Together, they evoke a dark and poetic world where the function of photography is to render things as fantasy rather than to explain them."

As an introduction, a short text by Antonin Artaud (bilingual edition French / English).

104 pages - Hardcover

Kehrer, 2014

New - Mint condition

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Gafsou, Matthieu

Matthieu Gafsou is a Swiss photographer and faculty at ECAL; he was awarded the "Prix de la fondation HSBC pour la photographie" in 2009 and takes part in 2010 in the reGeneration2 exhibition at the Aperture Foundation. Matthieu Gafsou published several books including H+ / Transhumanism(s) in 2018 with Kehrer, project which is also the subject of an exhibition at the Rencontres d'Arles festival the same year. © Matthieu Gafsou (self-portrait taken from the Fondation Leenaards website)
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