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Publisher's presentation :
"As an extension of the exhibition Anticorps Antoine d’Agata held at Le BAL (January-March 2013), the coordinators of Actes, une présence politique, in collaboration with the photographer, wanted to continue to assert the political dimension – too rarely taken into consideration – the photographic Antoine d’Agata work has, by incorporating and expanding in various scriptural and graphic forms, making it leave the jurisdictions in which it has often been assigned.
Actes, une présence politique is organized into five parts, as a plural space offered to the reader-viewer so he can continue to see and think the work of Antoine d’Agata, the photographer whose artistic gesture and movement life is bound in an eminently political purpose.
Situations / The first chapter is a collection of political pamphlets and images found on the ground floor of the exhibition. The political side is thus demonstrated graphically.
Abattage / The second chapter is an echo to the installation created on the ground floor of the exhibition with the voices of women.
Agonie / The third chapter shows images from the photographer in connection with the installation in the basement-part of the exhibition.
Éclaboussements / The fourth chapter contains some of the interventions that took place during the exhibition and includes contributions from authors in distinct fields (philosophy, literature, photography, anthropology, cinema, and aesthetics). The plurality of approaches covered opens up a range of looks that allows the reader to browse with the authors the different storylines and build its own look.
Installation / The fifth chapter describes the theme of the exhibition, then attempts to give a provisional form, to show a truth, to install the visitor in a lifetime experience, in a work, a world. Immersion, submersion, engulfment."
Under the direction of Fannie Escoulen and Christine Delory-Momberger.
Authors : Philippe Azoury, Léa Bismuth, François Cheval, Xavier Coton, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Christine Delory-Momberger, Fannie Escoulen, Rafael Garido, Nan Goldin, Fabrice Guénier, Magali Jauffret, Bertrand Ogilvie, Bernard Marcadé, Paule Palacios-Dalens, André Rouillé.
Texts in French only.
180 pages - Linen hardcover, in sleeve / slipcase
André Frère Editions, 2014
New - Mint condition
This book is no longer in stock
A - New York 1989-93 (*signed*)
.One SIGNED copy available. Presentation by André Frère Editions: "This booklet is the first in a series of twelve that opens up the space for A's journeys, his physical journey through his wanderings, his excesses, his strained progress, his encounters. They will appear over the next five years, at a sustained rhythm. The form, if it can be startling at...
.One signed copy available. Presentation by Studio Vortex : "Wanderings,endless rambling in a worldwhere commodities are the ultimate reality,crisscrossing to the rhythm of unexpected eventsand imperatives related to the urgency of survivalthat transform lived experienceinto the very tool and materialof invisible revolts. Hybrid community of the...
Publisher's presentation : "The images in AiTHŌ were made in 2014 at Villa Don Arcangelo all’Olmo (territorio di Carruba di Riposto), on the slope of the Etna."Texts by Leopoldo Maria Panero & José Águedo Olivares.104 pages - Hardcover André Frère Editions, 2015 (300 copies) *Signed* New - Mit condition
A - New York 1989-93 (*signed*)
.One SIGNED copy available. Presentation by André Frère Editions: "This booklet is the first in a series of twelve that opens up the space for A's journeys, his physical journey through his wanderings, his excesses, his strained progress, his encounters. They will appear over the next five years, at a sustained rhythm. The form, if it can be startling at...
Publisher's presentation : "The images in AiTHŌ were made in 2014 at Villa Don Arcangelo all’Olmo (territorio di Carruba di Riposto), on the slope of the Etna."Texts by Leopoldo Maria Panero & José Águedo Olivares.104 pages - Hardcover André Frère Editions, 2015 (300 copies) *Signed* New - Mit condition
Alberto García-Alix (par) Nicolás Combarro
Publisher's presentation (excerpt) : [NB : texts in French only] "Cette conversation intime et familière est le fruit d’une collaboration de près de quinze années avec García-Alix. J’ai eu la chance d’être commissaire de la plupart de ses expositions sur cette période et j’ai pris part à de nombreux projets audiovisuels et éditoriaux qu’il a dirigés....