
@ Monteleone, Davide



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is a journey in today's Chechnya, in the rubble of the wars of independance from the Russian Federation, in a republic under the rule of Ramzan Kadyrov.

David Monteleone takes us in all parts of the republic, to cities and to the countryside and mountains, and we meet all kinds of people: police force, maimed soldiers, lost youth, elders gathering for tea, young married couples...

In this Black & White journey, a strong work of photojournalism, Monteleone confronts the harsh life conditions, makes us feel the rule and the weight of the oppressive government, but also inserts more positive images, a form of hope, eventhough the lighter moments in the sequencing of the images come from the beautiful landscape images...

A really beautiful book, very well printed that gets us to see Chechnya from the inside, and that is already very rare.

The texts introducing the book on one hand, and the captions on the other hand (the latter being grouped in a separate booklet, linked to the book by an elastic band) are available in both English and French.

The book was published in part thanks to the "Photojournalism Award" granted by Fondation Carmignac.

164 pages - Hardcover, no DJ

Kehrer, 2013

Format : 24.5 x 28.5 cm

New - Mint condition

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