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A series of nudes in the Araki tradition. In this book, Nobuyoshi Araki paints colors patches on the prints; flowers or firework-like patterns in bright primary and secondary colors.
Beautiful nudes, and the paint that adds an interesting feel and a touch of poetry to the images.
Approx. 120 pages - Hardcover w/ DJ
AaT Room / Eyesencia, 2005 (1,000 copies)
2nd-hand - Excellent condition (see above & photos)
.Back in stock.Presentation by Session Press: "One of the most influential photographers of our time, Nobuyoshi Araki is known for his diaristic style through the publication of over 500 books throughout his career. It is, however, less known that Araki had explored experimental film projects since the mid 80s. In 1986 at Cinema Rise in Tokyo, Araki...
Publisher's presentation : "Hidden away in a box labelled Last Year’s Photographs, 38 pictures Nobuyoshi Araki took between 1975 and 1976 spent a quiet life, to surface as a time capsule of the Japanese photographer’s early work.The photos - mostly snapshots of people in streets and trains, in stark black and white - capture private moments in Tokyo’s...