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Publisher's presentation:
"A keen observer of the animal world and a pioneer of wildlife photography, George Shiras was also the first, at the turn of the 20th century, to reveal the nocturnal lives of forest animals through surprising flash photographs. From mobile shots on his canoe to photographic tricks he developed (when the animal triggers itself the shot by running into a thread), he was able to capture deers, lynx, porcupines, and various birds.
This monographic premiere in an intimist format presents a selection of these photographs, enhanced by a poetic essay by philosopher and writer Jean-Christophe Bailly."
The title L'intérieur de la nuit is translated as In the Heart of the Dark Night.
96 pages - Hardcover
Editions Xavier Barral, 2015
Format : 22 x 28 cm
New - Mint condition
A Criminal Investigation (2nd edition)
.Sold out.We are offering copies of the third edition .This book tells the story of a criminal investigation, in B & W images, in the japanese countryside of the 50's. The artist followed the investigators in their roaming of the area, the crime scene, the surrounding neighborhoods, and into their offices... The images he brought convey a deep feeling...
A Criminal Investigation (3rd edition)
.Sold out. This Watabe Yukichi photobook tells the story of a criminal investigation, in B & W images, in the japanese countryside of the 50's. The artist followed the investigators in their roaming of the area, the crime scene, the surrounding neighborhoods, and into their offices... The images he brought convey a deep feeling of doubt, a strange...
American Geography (*1st printing*)
.Both editions (English & French) are indicated as Sold out by their respective publishers! The French edition will soon see a second printing, but we do not know about the English edition at this point in time (Jan. 3rd, 2022). Presentation by Thames & Hudson [publisher of the English edition] : " American Geography is the visual record of Magnum...