Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things

@ Rocha, João



This satirical red book compiles some of the images accumulated by João Rocha between 2010 and 2011 on a Tumblr. The artist simply selected images of the Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il among the photographs provided by the official PR agency of North Korea.

These images from insignificant and trivial events or visits - where considered on by one - are frankly unsignificant; although some of them are really surprising, funny or even grotesque.

However, the series constituted by these images denounces in a rather crual manner the propaganda around the character of the Dear Leader, close to its people, interested in technology and farming. A leader that - despite his small frame - is always represented in a very favorable manner, with his entourage always in the background and towered by him taking the space in the foreground.

With a text in English and French by Marco Bohr.

192 pages - Relié sans jaquette

Jean Boîte, 2012 (5th printing, 2016)

Format : 17.3 x 24.8 cm

New - Mint condition

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