Hungry Still (*1st edition*)

@ Collectif



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Hungry Still
is an exhibition and a book.

The book is published by Slideluck London and QUAD (and designed by Akina Factory / Akina Books), and the exhibition co-produced and co-curated by Slideluck London, FORMAT International Photography Festival and QUAD.

Slideluck Potshow organises diners around photography exhibitions, and Hungry Still is a retrospective or rather a selection of 24 portfolios from 24 artistes that collaborated to the project since its inception in 2007.

The selected artists, many of whom have already published books, often to critical acclaim, are:

Alexander Aksakov, Alfonso Almendros, Rafael Arocha, Poulomi Basu, Jean-Marc Caimi, Arantxa Cedillo, Pierfrancesco Celada, Joanna Chudy, Cristina De Middel, Peter Di Campo, Carolyn Drake, Shiho Fukada, Sophie Gerrard, Laura Hynd, Alvaro Laiz, Sebastian Liste, Aaron Schuman, Bryan Schutmaat, Fan Shi San, Ian Teh, Phillip Toledano, Catrine Val, Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb.

Each series of images is presented by a text that mentions a meal or a dish, and introduces the recipe given on the next page...

Of course, the book caters to all tastes, the artists following each their own path, but the come-together of these portfolios is of a really high quality, both in the image content and the book production (we haven't tasted any recipe yet ;-)
Hungry Still is also the occasion to see images from sold out books such as the Bryan Schutmaat one, and others not yet published like the really strong images from "Silesian Ulysses" by Joanna Chudy.

212 pages - Softcover

QUAD / Slideluck London, 2014

New - Mint condition


Books presenting the work of a group of photographers, either working on a common project, or assembled by the publisher for the purpose of the book.
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