Agua (*small imperfection*)

@ Ariana Pérez, Denisse


.PLEASE NOTE: Our last copies have either the top or the bottom of the binding slightly bumped.

Presentation by Guest Editions:

Agua is the first photobook from Caribbean-born, Barcelona-based photographer Denisse Ariana Pérez.

Driven by an obsession with humans and the human experience as a whole, her work looks to explore, expose and honour the beauty she sees in others. Water, which has always been present in both life and work, allows her to get closer by dissolving facades and removing walls to celebrate what is found within.

From the colder currents of Scandinavia to the warm pink lakes of Senegal, Agua is an intimate and endless journey of human exploration that captures a vital and magical relationship between people and water.

« I keep coming back to water scenes. I keep coming back to lakes, rivers and oceans. I like to explore the interaction of people with water. Water can disarm even the most armed of facades. Becoming one with water is not about rushing but rather about flowing. And flowing is the closest thing to being. »

         -- Denisse Ariana Pérez  "

This book is sold out by the publisher!

This book was published with a choice between two covers "Pink Water" (the face of a man) et "Blue Water" (a woman, naked). The first one was quickly sold out, and we only have one copy left of this version to offer.

Several pages of short texts printed on translucent paper.

.PLEASE NOTE: Our last copies have either the top or the bottom of the binding slightly bumped; all with a similar (minor) damage.

PLEASE NOTE: Before adding the book to your cart, please make your selection of cover below the price.

176 pages - Hardcover

Guest Editions, 2021

Format : 20,6 x 27.5 cm

New - Imperfection: see note above

This book is no longer in stock

50,00 €

Ariana Pérez, Denisse

Denisse Ariana Pérez is a Caribbean-born copywriter and photographer based in Barcelona. According to her own description: « I am obsessed with words, people and imagery and finding ways to make them speak to one another. » In 2021, she publishes her first photobook of portraits titled "Agua" with Guest Editions. © Self-portrait taken from the artist's website