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Presentation by Łukasz Rusznica:
"When traveling to Japan, I knew one thing only — I wanted to take pictures based on Japanese mythology; I wanted to photograph the Yokai — the monsters of legend. Photography came as the result of working in new surroundings; it was the end process of meeting people and building relationships — this is surely why so many of the pictures (and the intimate ones in particular) are of my friends or the people who trusted me — of humane people."
Publisher's presentation:
"Along with the evolution of societies, rising unpredictability, mobility and dependence on technologies, the folk spirituality evolves into lived spirituality – one which may appear unorthodox, but relies on direct experience and presence of the divine element in common surroundings. On his Japanese journey, Łukasz Rusznica chose spirits and other supernatural creatures as his guides. He asked them for help in mapping a new territory, and appears to have received an additional gift: a discovery about oneself and one’s own background, which seems to be the actual journey here: a more significant one than conquering purely physical distance.
-- Olga Drenda "
120 pages - Hardcover
Fundacja Sztuk Wizualnych / Palm*, 2018 (500 copies)
Format : 23.5 x 31 cm
New - Mint condition
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