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Publisher's presentation :
"The Solovki Islands in northwest Russia are known for their monastery, but also for having the first camp of what would become the Gulag. In this decor of extremes, the photographer Jean-Luc Bertini and writer Olivier Rolin have turned their attention to the camp library, now long gone. Their search constitutes a slow exploration of this region where ghosts of the past cross paths with the disappointed hopes of contemporary Russia."
Texts in French only.
An interview (in French) of Jean-Luc Bertini about this project on the publisher's website. In this interview, you will find a link to the documentary by Elisabeth Kapnist and Olivier Rolin of the same title Solovki, la bibliothèque disparue.
56 pages - Softcover
Le bec en l'air, 2014
New - Mint condition
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Algérie, clos comme on ferme un livre ?
Publisher's presentation : "Algeria, a finished story ? You can now travel in Algeria, and Bruno Boudjelal seizes on this new freedom to explore the country and its origins from east to west, in a gripping road movie that crosses paths with the ghost of Frantz Fanon as well as the young clandestine immigrants en route to Europe. A photographic narrative...
Publisher's presentation : [presentation not yet available in English, but the book is bilingual] "Depuis sa première édition en 2011, le festival Circulation(s) [website in English], initié par Fetart, est dédié à la jeune photographie européenne, avec pour ambition d’en faire émerger les talents, de fédérer un réseau d’acteurs européens et de permettre...
Publisher's presentation : Belgium through the eye of a belgian photojournalist "Belgium, a cramped country born in 1830, is now at a turning point. A tipping point or a critical threshold? Having now moved past separatist ideologies and industrial restructuring plans, what does this society said to be used to compromise look like? A far cry from the...