Federico Clavarino - Italia O Italia (Akina Books, 2014) View larger

Italia O Italia

@ Clavarino, Federico

N/A - AV0094


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Presentation by Akina Books:

"Mysterious and austere, Italia O Italia metaphysical cities hide the enigma of a timeless place between sunburst dead-ends and shadowy arcades; the disquieting muses of Federico Clavarino shape an Italy of the mind, made of dark symbols in sunlit piazzas.
A kind of stillness permeates every photograph of this book, transforming what is portrayed in an apparently uninhabited space.
Yet all of these fragments are imbued with humanity, that can be found hidden in the invisible piece of a scenery, in the gesture of a hand,
in the segment of a column or in the disjointed movement of a person: humanity is present here up to the very last stone.
These flaws in everyday reality, that appear when time is put on hold by the camera, end up revealing the individuality of a place that looks as if it were waiting for a new start,or rather for a different destiny.

Italia O Italia is an artist book published by Akina Books as it was originally conceived by Federico Clavarino,
which highly symbolic photographic language weaves a multi-layered tale of a country which ancient ruins cast shadows on the shards of a broken present.
Italia O Italia's images have been scanned from original C-Prints printed in darkroom by the author himself, Federico Clavarino; pre-press specialist Victor Garrido worked with Federico and the printer at Grafica Palermo (Madrid) to achieve the best possible colour reproduction."

136 pages - Hardcover, no DJ

Akina Books, 2014

New - Mint condition

Clavarino, Federico

Federico Clavarino is an Italian photographer based in Spain and Portugal. Among the more recent books published: "Italia o Italia" (Akina Books, 2014), "The Castle" (Dalpine, 2016), "La Vertigine" (Witty Kiwi, 2018), and ''Hereafter'' (Skinnerboox, 2019)". © Portrait by Rubén H. Bermúdez taken from an article on Clavoardiendo Magazine
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