Home Is Where the Dog Is (*w/ Print*)

@ Van der Weijde, Erik



Publisher's presentation:

"Four white walls that enclose a tropical garden set the limits for this carefully directed view that Van der Weijde offers us into his Home is where the Dog is..."

We are offering here the version of this book that includes a silkscreen; you currently still have the choice between the two diffrent ones produced. Please see the photos (last one in the carrousel) and let us know of your choice upon ordering.
This version is signed and numbered (edition of 30 for each silkscreen).

We are also offering this book (signed copies) in the version without the silkscreen (please see the "Suggestions" tab).

160 pages - Softcover

4478ZINE, 2014

*Signed & Numbered w/ Print*

New - Mint condition

Warning: Last books in stock!


  • Publisher's presentation: "Four white walls that enclose a tropical garden set the limits for this carefully directed view that Van der Weijde offers us into his Home is where the Dog is..."We are also offering the numbered edition with a silkscreen (please see the "Suggestions" tab).160 pages - Softcover 4478ZINE, 2014 *Signed* New - Mint condition

    In Stock
  • Presentation by Spector Books: " In the last ten years, the Dutch photographer Erik van der Weijde has been responsible for over fifty publications: these include not only slim photozines and simply produced brochures but also voluminous cloth-bound books — many of them distributed via his own publishing house 4478ZINE. This Is Not My Book provides for...

    In Stock
  • Publisher's presentation: "Four white walls that enclose a tropical garden set the limits for this carefully directed view that Van der Weijde offers us into his Home is where the Dog is..."We are also offering the numbered edition with a silkscreen (please see the "Suggestions" tab).160 pages - Softcover 4478ZINE, 2014 *Signed* New - Mint condition

    In Stock