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Présentation de l'artiste :
"«s o r a n e» (Empty Sound)
Born and vanishes,
Each day is born to vanish
One empty moment, sifted out,
Takes me far beyond my consciousness,
Enticing me to a distant somewhere.
The fleeting scenery
And the days
Travel past me without conversation.
Clinging just for a hint of a moment,I strain to see
As I reach out my hand, gently
It perpetually overflows, falling from my palm
And rustles away somewhere
As if nothing ever happened."
NB : Please note our last copy has a small smudge on the front cover, and we're offering it ar 30 € instead of 39 €.
60 pages - Hardcover, no DJ
Place M, 2012 (350 copies)
New - One small defect (see above)
This book is no longer in stock