Martin Parr Looking at Books (*signed*)

@ Eberhard, Roger

N/A - AV0088


Martin Parr Looking at Books is at the same time a joke, a tributte to the Man, and the truth of the influence of Martin Parr on the world of the photobook today...

The title says it all; this book is "simply" the compilation of 22 photographies of Martin Parr with a photobook in his hands : at a photobook fair, during a workshop, etc.

A must-have book for all photobook lovers. Our copies are already signed by the artist / author / curator of the book, Roger Eberhard, you will only have to chase the Man at a photobook fair near you to have him sign your copy :-)

The joke in the joke ? The print run is announced as "enough" ! Excellent, no ?

64 pages - Softcover

b.frank books, 2014


New - Mint condition

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