Nicoló Degiorgis - Oasis Hotel (Rorhof, 2014) View larger

Oasis Hotel (*signed*)

@ Degiorgis, Nicoló



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Publisher's presentation:

"This book documents a hitchhike along China’s Cross-Desert Highway, a road built in the mid 1990s to help the extraction of oil. It stretches for more than 500km from north to south across the Taklamakan, one of the world’s most inhospitable deserts. The journey records the road and its people - truck drivers, cotton pickers, oil well workers and prostitutes, whose lives are caught up in the dependancy and desolation of the prospering oil industry."

Leporello binding (accordion) on thick stock paper, closed by a leather string.

Rorhof, 2014 (500 copies)


New - Very slight crease at the back of the binding

  • .Sold out.From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country.One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift...

  • .2nd edition sold out - But we are now offering the 3rd edition, with signed copies (see "Suggestions" tab). From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole...

  • From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and...

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  • .Sold out.From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country.One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift...

  • .2nd edition sold out - But we are now offering the 3rd edition, with signed copies (see "Suggestions" tab). From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole...

  • From the introduction by Martin Parr : "Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and...

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