
Books of famous photographers, great successes of the edition of the photo book, books on mainstream themes ... For a first easy access to photobooks

Mainstream There are 164 books.

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Showing 161 - 164 of 164 items
  • Texte du rabat de couverture : "(...) L'artiste a photographié l'ensemble des salles et galeries [du Louvre] lorsque le public a déserté ces lieux. Dans ses grands tirages photographiques en couleur, les précieux trésors de l'art occidental, les peintures et les sculptures, entrent dans un silencieux dialogue avec l'architecture environnante et le...

    32,00 €
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  • Please note : the book offered is a French-only version (the book was also printed in the English version Divided Soul which we are not currently offering...)Presentation of Divided Soul on the Magnum website: " David Alan Harvey's Divided Soul is a collection of more than 100 color photographs and personal texts representing his 30-year journey...

    25,00 €
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  • After immigrating to the United States, Leon Borensztein earned his living as a traveling photographer among the lower classes.He moved with a backdrop to make his portraits, but then retreated his camera to capture beyond the decor part of the homes of his subjects.Recognized photographer and portraitist (we think of Mike Disfarmer), Leon Borensztein has...

    45,00 €
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  • .Copy sold. Catalogue de l'exposition au Musée Carnavalet en 1999 : "Changing New York - Une ville en mouvement 1935-1939" Rétrospective partielle du travail de Berenice Abbott sur les mutations de la ville de New York à la fin des années 30. Ouvrage accompagné d'une longue préface intéressante sur la passion de Abbott pour la ville de New York. Les...

Showing 161 - 164 of 164 items