Mark Ghuneim is a digital / Internet entrepreneur who is also an activist campaigning for the preservation of anonymity and against video surveillance in the public space.
Since 2006, he is also collecting photobooks on this subject.
Mark Ghuneim is a digital / Internet entrepreneur who is also an activist campaigning for the preservation of anonymity and against video surveillance in the public space.
Since 2006, he is also collecting photobooks on this subject.
In relation with his focus on surveillance, Mark Ghuneim also has an activity as curator. In 2016, he helped curate the exhibition Public, Private, Secret at the ICP (International Center of Photography) in New York. This exhibition, based on his photobook collection, is presented under the title Surveillance Index in the winter 2018 at Le BAL in Paris.
100 photobooks about surveillance photography The book Surveillance Index / Edition One was published in 2016 as the catalogue of the exhibition Public, Private, Secret at the ICP (International Center of Photography) in New York. This exhibition, based on the photobook collection of entrepreneur and activist Mark Ghuneim, is presented under the name...