Ekaterina Anokhina - Inner Mongolia (Dienacht Publishing, 2013) View larger

Inner Mongolia

@ Anokhina, Ekaterina

N/A - AV0055


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A beautiful inner journey in an unknown place, landscapes and faces, printed in light grey shades on grey/blue paper...

Publisher's presentation:

“And where is it, this place?”
“That’s the point, it is nowhere. It is quite impossible to say that it is located anywhere in the geographical sense. Inner Mongolia is not called that because it is inside Mongolia. It is inside anyone who can see the void, although the word ‘inside’ is quite inappropriate here. And it is not really any kind of Mongolia either, that’s merely a way of speaking. The most stupid thing possible would be to attempt to describe to you what it is. Take my word for this, at least – it is well worth striving all your life to reach it. And nothing in life is better than being there.”
“And how does one come to see the void?”
“Look into yourself.” said the baron.

(From “Chapayev and Void” by Victor Pelevin, translated by Andrew Bromfield)

32 pages - Stapled paper in a silkscreen printed enveloppe

Dienacht Publshing, 2013 (1st edition - 70 copies)

New - Mint condition

Anokhina, Ekaterina

Ekaterina Anokhina (b. 1983) is a visual artist working in medium of photography. She lives and works in Moscow, Russia. Her interests in both psychology and photography have defined her artistic interest in the personal, emotional, imaginary. Photo : ©Anokhina
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