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Looking for Love, 1996 reprend des clichés réalisés par Alec Soth avant Sleeping by the Mississippi et avant la célébrité, à une époque où il vivait dans le noir - travaillant comme développeur dans un laboratoire de tirage et traînant dans les bars le soir... Il avait alors 25 ans et se sentait seul, attendant la lumière, attendant l'amour.
Ces images révèlent déjà l'oeil de Alec Soth, capable de saisir des moments à la fois calmes et intenses, et de réaliser des cadrages simples et précis.
Un livre très intéressant, à conseiller même à celles et ceux qui se seraient lassé(e)s de Alec Soth dans la relative profusion de livre parus depuis 2004.
56 pages - Relié sans jaquette
Kominek Books, 2012
Neuf - Aucun défaut
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.Sold out.Publisher's presentation: an exhibition catalogue in reference to Walt Whitman "Alec Soth’s reputation as one of the leading lights of contemporary photographic practice is largely predicated on the books he has published. This unusual catalogue accompanies a touring exhibition which uses the four major bodies of work which Soth has published as...
I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating...
Presentation by Mack: " Taking its name from a line in the Wallace Stevens' poem The Gray Room Alec Soth's latest book is a lyrical exploration of the limitations of photographic representation. While these large-format color photographs are made all over the world, they aren't about any particular place or population. By a process of intimate and often...
Presentation by Mack: " In the follow-up to his critically acclaimed debut monograph Sleeping by the Mississippi, Alec Soth turned his eye to another iconic body of water, Niagara Falls. As with his photographs of the Mississippi, Soth's pictures of Niagara are less about natural wonder than human desire. « I went to Niagara for the same reason as the...
.Sold out!. Presentation by Kominek: "Hallucinatory flashes of the Berlin underworld permeate through the pages of this collective work by Japanese artists Daisuke Yokota,Yoshi Kametani and Hiroshi Takizawa. A collaboration of night work in a city that never sleeps; the photographers pass like ghosts through all manner of places; forests, strip clubs,...
Publisher's presentation: "Slowly but steadily we become immersed in what Henrik Malmström saw and photographed from the window of his living room. The pages of A Minor Wrongdoing unfold as a hypnotic sequence of candid shots taken at the neighbourhood of St. Georg in Hamburg, between 2011 and 2014. Hundreds of them, they record the last remains of street...
Berlin Pictures (*signed / not signed*)
Presentation by Kominek Books: " From 2012 to 2019 Mark Steinmetz took photos on the streets of Berlin. This work now comes together in the book Berlin Pictures, published by Kominek Books in 2020. The hard and soft sides of Berlin are portrayed in poetic and floating images like only Mark Steinmetz can do. « (...) Steinmetz visited Berlin between 2012...