Photobooks published by granon éditions

Granon Éditions: photographic and cinematographic images

In the field or at the workshop, Granon Éditions accompanies with attention, curiosity and efficiency, those who have made their passion for the image a trade. An expertise in the service of photography and film.
The collection of photography books "This is an essay" is dedicated to the edition of the first book of a photographer. This is an essay for Granon Editions as well, which takes a first step in the publishing field.

Some photographers at Granon Editions:

It started with Nolwenn Brod's first photobook, Moments Together. You will also find in L'Ascenseur Végétal the photobook of Hervé Lassïnce, My Brothers.

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  • Publisher's presentation : "instants confondus is the testimony of one of Nolwenn Brod's first photographic works, where she evokes a blinding disappearance, that of her father.She looks soothingly at this suffering she shares with other children. Her images are simple, without artifice ...This book is also one of the last steps in her quest. A quest that...

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  • Publisher's presentation : "À travers cette fresque photographique, Hervé Lassïnce constitue le journal impudique d’une communauté formée autour de lui, saisie dans des moments domestiques et intimes, à l’endroit où les personnalités s’expriment sans filtre, ni préjugé social. Contrariant les stéréotypes, notamment ceux liés à la virilité, le projet...

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