Photobooks published by Fuego Books

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  • Publisher's presentation: "A Place Both Wonderful and Strange is a photographic anthology published by Fuego Books that brings together the work of 12 international photographers in a narration inspired by Twin Peaks and the work of David Lynch. With the work of Anna Beeke, Carl Bigmore, Melissa Catanese, Cristina de Middel, Salvi Danés, Enrico Di Nardo +...

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  • Publisher's presentation on Léa Habourdin's website: "Survivalists is a book by French artist Lea Habourdin. Halfway between a survival manual and an inquiry into the complex relationship between human beings and Nature, its quiet images move between the almost clinical and the intimate, forming a subtle narration in three distinct chapters."108 pages -...

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  • Presentation by Fuego Books: "In 1953 The United States and Spain signed an agreement of mutual defense and economic aid and they decided to build an Aero-naval Base in the municipality of Rota in Cádiz. Of the 8,000 acres that constitute the town, about 2,400 belong to the Base, and so the constant presence of a fence is drawn into the landscape of this...

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  • Quick view Aballe, Juan
    $30.90 Out of stock

    .Currently out of stock. Presentation by Juan Aballe: "Produced between 2011 and 2013 in Iberian Peninsula, this book deals with my relationship with the rural environment and the emotions brought about by the possibility of taking the big step of leaving the city and living closer to nature. Country Fictions also reflects on the photographic language...

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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items