Photobooks published by ISSP

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • We are offering the ISSP 2016 Weekly Planner with photographs by the participants of the International Summer School of Photography 2015, a gathering of emerging photographers in Riga, Latvia. Nice font, friendly design, 53 weekly openings with a special selection of images (1 photography on the left page, 7 days on the right), yearly calendars, world...

  • We are offering the ISSP 2015 Weekly Planner with photographs by the participants of the International Summer School of Photography 2014, a gathering of emerging photographers in Riga, Latvia (participants from 26 countries for the 2014 edition). Nice font, friendly design, 53 weekly openings with a special selection of images (1 photography on the left...

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items