YU The Lost Country (*signé*)

@Jurisic, Dragana



.Stock épuisé.

Présentation sur le site de l'artiste :

"Yugoslavia fell apart in 1991. With the disappearance of the country, at least one million five hundred thousand Yugoslavs vanished, like the citizens of Atlantis, into the realm of imaginary places and people. Today, in the countries that came into being after Yugoslavia's disintigration, there is a total denial of the Yugoslav identity.

«There proceeds steadily from that place a stream of events which are a source of danger to me,» wrote the Anglo-Irish writer, Rebecca West in 1937. «That place» was Yugoslavia, the country in which I was born. Realizing that to know nothing of an area «which threatened her safety» was «a calamity», she embarked on a journey through Yugoslavia. The result was Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Initially intended as «a snap book» it spiraled into half a million words, a portrait not just of Yugoslavia, but also of Europe on the brink of the Second World War, and widely regarded as one of the masterpieces of the 20th century.

At Easter 2011, I started retracing Westʼs journey and re-interpreting her masterpiece by using photography and text, in attempt to re-live my experience of Yugoslavia and to re-examine the conflicting emotions and memories of the country that was.

I remember thinking it all must be some sort of a joke.

I remember being excited and scared at the same time.

I remember how I put all my LP’s into the hallway so they wouldn't get damaged by the crossfire.

I remember that my father and my brother were out that afternoon.

I remember bullets spraying the front door of our building.

I remember hearing what sounded like someone trying to get in.

I remember my mother thinking ‘it's them’ and running towards the door.

I remember grabbing onto her until all my nails broke.

I remember meeting my neighbours for the first time in the basement of our building.

I remember thinking 'pity I met them only now when we are all about to die'.

I remember the building burning above us (...) "

Les images présentées ici sont issues du site de l'artiste, vous pouvez vous y référer pour des détails sur le contexte de ce projet et chacune des images...

112 pages - Couverture rigide toilée

Oonagh Young Gallery, 2015


Neuf - Aucun défaut

Jurisic, Dragana

Dragana Jurisic est une artiste d'origine Croate (ex-Yougoslavie) basée en Irlande. « Mon histoire en tant que photographe débute le jour où l'appartement de notre famille a été incendié, ainsi que les milliers de négatifs et de tirages de mon père, photographe amateur passioné. Ce jour-là, je suis devenue une de ces réfugiées sans photographies, sans passé. » Le travail de Dragana poursuit deux axes principaux : la mémoire et le corps et le représentation de la femme. Une de ses oeuvres "Tarantula" est entrée dans les collections de la National Gallery d'Irlande. Elle a reçu de nombreux prix et a développé plusieurs projets au sein de différentes résidences. Elle a publié deux livres : "YU: The Lost Country" ( Oonagh Young Gallery, 2015 ) et "Museum" ( Dublin City Council, 2019), ce dernier une collaboration avec la poétesse Paula Meehan. © Portrait issu du profil Facebook de l'artiste
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