


.Stock épuisé.

Présentation de l'éditeur :

"2041 is an eponymous collection of self-portraits in which the image and identity of the artist remain concealed. Using the camera to articulate a passion he has secretly indulged for decades, he appears dozens of times in a variety of garments, but is always anonymous.

By photographing himself in these costumes he adopts multiple personas. He explores different approaches to self-concealment: he adapts and re-appropriates clothing ranging from the traditional to the theatrical, and he combines draped and folded fabrics in a rich array of textures and colours. He poses and performs in front of his camera and around his home.

2041’s first memories of the pleasure of being enveloped in swathes of cloth are from his days as a choirboy seven decades ago. As an adult, he developed an interest in more complete coverings and began to document what he was doing. But it is only in the last ten years, since he bought a computer and found a community of fellow enthusiasts online, that he has been able to share his passion. The photographs in 2041 are selected from thousands that he has made."

Série d'auto-portraits d'un homme se faisant appeler "2041", sélectionnées parmi plusieurs milliers par Lewis Chaplin et Ben Weaver.

Accompagné d'un livret de textes en anglais et de 2 cartes insérées dans le livre destinées à remplacer celle maintenue par les coins en couverture.

120 pages - Couverture souple

Here Press, 2014 (500 ex.)

Neuf - Aucun défaut


L'éditeur Lewis Chaplin (Here Press) nous décrit l'auteur : «2041 est un homme de 83 ans, et ce nom de code vient de son numéro de conscription de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il a choisi ce numéro pour son compte Flickr. C’est un ingénieur à la retraite mais il a une histoire proche du théâtre. Sa femme, musicienne, n’est pas au courant de sa passion fétichiste et il tient absolument à rester anonyme, à ne jamais montrer son visage.» Photo : © autoportrait
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