
@Kaski, Heikki



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Présentation de l'éditeur :

"Photographer Heikki Kaski (Finland) crawled into the skin of the small town Tranquillity, 800 inhabitants, in the desert-like San Joaquin Valley, California. The images show a strange, introverted world in a stiflingly hot desert; the heat is almost palpable in this book."

Texte de couverture :

"And there was. Sounds weird, but there was aliens all over the fucking place outside. And supposedly, you know, something really strange happened. That would've been in the seventies, that would've been in the sixties. But then I never knew what happened and nobody ever talked about it. So I just attributed it to a dream. Sometimes when you have dreams and you wake up and, you know, they're almost real. They feel like real. Because I've seen things before that. I believe in the, I believe we have a lot of power with our minds and everything else that people don't have anymore. We've abused it so the knowledge and everything was taken away from us. It's weird."

Un étonnant voyage au sein d'une petite ville appelée Tranquillity perdue dans la "Central Valley" californienne. Une atmosphère étrange, une ambiance de fin du monde...

Le projet de ce livre a remporté le "Unseen Dummy Award" 2013 (Amsterdam).

118 pages - Couverture souple

Lecturis, 2014

Neuf - Aucun défaut

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