Now I wanna be your dog ! (*signé*)

@Andersen, Morten



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Présentation de Média Immédiat :

"In the beginning of the 90's Morten Andersen was student at the ICP (International Center of Photography) in New York together with his friend Antoine D'Agata.
The photographer exhumed for this mini book the portraits he made of Antoine during their student years in the Big Apple.

Unpublished to date, these photos capture the essence of the young artist through scenes in apartments, bars and streets of New York showing the humor, candor, but also the impertinence, madness and distress of who would become 25 years later one of the leading photographers in contemporary photography...

A series of photos as surprising as endearing in which shines a complicity and friendship between the photographer and his friend without which these pictures could not have existed.

Just like in M. in M. - the other mini book from Morten Andersen for Média Immédiat - the photos are situations and the situations are photos... Situations where one can feel Antoine trying, searching, testing life... Just like a dog lost in a big city and just as did Daido Moriyama in his time when he was a young photographer in the streets of Tokyo, which earned him a parallel with the Stray Dog he had photographed at the time and whose image has become an icon of his work.

« ...Now I'm ready to feel your hands, lose my heart in the burning sand, now I want to be your dog... » said Iggy Pop in his song...

Also beyond the subject itself we find here moments of life that trace an era, a way of life, the attraction for parties and for the present moment as a record of the photographer own existence.

Morten Andersen takes us in this book into the universe of Antoine D'Agata as much as in his own, and in the field of youth and memory of time through the photographic act..."

Petit format 106 x 78 mm.

28 pages - Couverture souple

Média Immédiat Publishing, 2015 (300 ex.)


Neuf - Aucun défaut

Attention : derniers livres disponibles !
