everything will be ok (*signé*)

@Lizaralde, Alberto



.Stock épuisé.

Présentation par l'éditeur :

"In life we all go through good times and bad times over and over, tirelessly. I went through one of these cycles and transformed it into this book. It was my story but very well could it be yours.

everything will be ok is the chronicle of a magical journey that starts with the emotional collapse that comes after falling into the hole and ends, through a long healing walk, with the assumption that after all, and whatever happens, life is always worth the struggle and it can actually be pretty funny.

Through photographs taken over five years, the book is set up to form as a classical narrative structure in three acts that continuously crosses the line between documentary and imaginary together with the line between the personal and the unfamiliar.

The ink in the book cover, reacts to temperature so it changes color whenever it is touched, leaving the fingerprints of the reader visible for some time. It is, in a way, a living book that mutates and adapts according to the viewer whose warmth and contact heals the darkness.

«There are several key elements that are commonly viewed as essential to a great photobook. One of those is sequence, and everything will be ok is all about its taut sequence of fifty-five photographs, in pairs or alone on a page. The design is incredibly simple and without fuss—the only frill is the heat-sensitive cover that responds to the reader's touch. It is an incredibly effective use of juxtaposition and sequence to tell what is palpably a story of trauma and healing, although the exact nature of the experience is only hinted at with one simple line of text at the end.»
 -- Lesley A. Martin, Publisher at Aperture Foundation."

Ce livre a été sélectionné pour le prix du meilleur premier livre "Aperture Foundation / Paris Photo 2014 - First Photobook Award".

Editing en collaboration avec Cristina de Middel.

96 pages - Couverture souple

Auto-publié, 2014


Neuf - Aucun défaut

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