Ibidem (*signé*)

@Del Brenna, Giovanni



.À nouveau disponible.

L'idée est de créer une ville virtuelle, mélange de toutes les métropoles photographiées, qui représente les transitions qui traversent les villes aujourd'hui.

Présentation sur le site de l'artiste :

"Ibidem is a project about globalization, about the lack and the loss of roots, about the mutation of cities.

I started this project in New York in 2002 after realizing that the pictures I took at the time could have been shot in some of the other cities I had lived in. Back to Milan I confirmed my first intuitions and decided to continue shooting other «global» cities. The project, published as book in July 2014, includes the following cities: Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Berlin, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo.

The idea is to create a virtual city, mixing of all the photographed metropoles, that depicts the transition cities are going through today.

I am Italian, I was born in Genova (Italy) but I never lived there. I grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I attended the French school. I graduated in Milan and I lived in Lisbon, Lille, Paris, Naples, London, Rome and New York. There I obtained the Documentary and Photojournalism certificate of the International Center of Photography; it followed my master degree in Mechanical Engineering (Politecnico of Milan).

This project aims at being a subjective point of view on the evolution of great cities. These are converging towards each other while distancing themselves from their countries of origin. It is my point of view, the point of view of  a  member of the so-called «international community» : a «displaced» person."

Un vrai regard pour un projet cohérent et étonnant, très beau design et belle production.

Editing par Teun van der Heijden.

Textes de Marc Augé et Carole Naggar (textes en anglais dans le livre, traductions intégrales en français et en italien dans un livret séparé).

NB : Les images d'illustration sont issues du site de l'artiste.

132 pages - Couverture rigide

Auto-publié, 2014


Neuf - Aucun défaut

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