Rivers of Power (*signé*)

@Cartagena, Alejandro



"C'est l'histoire de la relation tragique entre deux corps : une narration critique de la relation longue et échouée entre une société et une rivière. Bien qu'aujourd'hui ce soit un sarcophage long et sinueux, la ville dépendait autrefois de l'abondance de sa rivière. Des siècles plus tard, avec Monterrey transformé en enclave industrielle régionale, la rivière Santa Catarina a servi de frontière entre les classes sociales : les employeurs du côté nord, les travailleurs au sud..."

Le texte de Xemena Peredo figure en anglais d'un côté de l'étui rigide, et en espagnol de l'autre côté.

Un essai de Gonzalo Ortega est présenté en espagnol et en anglais dans un petit insert de 4 pages (NB : c'est dans ce petit insert que figure la signature de l'artiste).

Le livre lui-même est inséré dans un étui en carton fort gris imprimé, ceint d'un élastique rouge. Il est présenté "emballé" dans un poster plié et fermé par un auto-collant.

À noter (!) : pour toute commande incluant au moins deux livres de Alejandro Cartagena (cf. onglet "Suggestions" ou ces liens : "Santa Barbara return jobs back to US" et "Carpoolers - 2nde édition"), nous ajouterons un poster (cf. photo) édité à 300 exemplaires à l'occasion de l'exposition Car Show de Alejandro Cartagena présentée en 2016 dans la "Galería Patrica Conde", Mexico City, Mexique.

144 pages - Couverture souple inséré dans un étui en carton fort

Co-édition Alejandro Cartagena / NEWWER, 2016 (490 ex.)

Format : 23 x 30 cm


Neuf - Aucun défaut

Plus de détails

Attention : derniers livres disponibles !

54,00 €

En savoir plus

Texte intégral de Xemena Peredo :

"This is the story of the tragic relationship between two bodies: a critical narration of the long and failed relationship between a society and a river. Although today it is a long and winding sarcophagus, in the past the city depended on the abundance of its stream. Centuries later, with Monterrey transformed into a regional industrial enclave, the Santa Catarina River served as border between social classes: the employers on the north side, the laborers on the south.

The first hydraulic engineering works were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1909, wells and dikes were routed through pipes. That same year the river overflowed and caused the catastrophic flood that took over 5 thousand lives. Entire families disappeared. Since then, the river has been serving a sentence, receiving the treatment of a beast, with its future in peril.

This fear, built based on ignorant speeches, created in American universities and reproduced with strict fidelity in Monterrey, was capitalized by governments eager to make their power known. The domination of the uncontrollable body of nature is a necessary rite of passage in any industrial society. In this way, the political apparatus decided to display its strength against the Santa Catarina River, whose clamor still resonated in the city’s memory, with the inauguration of the works that channeled it to protect Monterrey and utilize the water as raw material.

The prolonged engineering works were nothing short of a marvel of modernity. After the ribbon was cut, in the mid-20th century, a subconscious link was broken and a period of aridity began, not only in the landscape, but also in morality. It broke the scale. The river was a line drawn on a technical plan.

In 1988, Hurricane Gilberto hit the city of Monterrey. The city once again trembled before the torrential power of its currents, which tore up houses, markets, Ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds. Leaving over 300 people dead, the destruction served as a reminder to the following generation: this is not a dead river, but a captive one.

The tragedy had no end point until the year 2004 when another large-scale work of civil engineering was inaugurated, known as the Rompepicos dam or grout curtain, whose purpose was to curb the water level from its source, in the Sierra Madre Oriental. But in the year 2010 it again broke through with all its might: stoked by Storm Alex, the body of water managed to burst the pipes to escape, fugitive and enraged, bellowing across the entire length of the city.

Those of us who heard it cannot forget that enthralling and harrowing cry of freedom. Its spirit took shape, returned to it. Faced with human pain, we hid our joy as we acknowledged its resurrection. Standing on the devastated riverbanks, we contemplated the water, enraptured by a sensual revolution. The frenzied roar of fertility of a body faced with its captor.

Then we watched the same entrepreneurs build business opportunities out of the destruction. We stood witness to the engineering works that managed to bury the river once again. We were not able to stop them, or resist, because the speed of the expressways rushing along the riverside hampers any considered thought. They plundered the stone and sand of its sepulcher to use as construction materials.

Today we stand thirsty as the withered body of the river is scattered throughout the city."

Cartagena, Alejandro

Alejandro Cartagena vit et travaille à Monterrey, au Mexique. Ses projets utilisent le paysage et le portrait comme moyen d'examiner les problèmes sociaux, urbains et environnementaux. Photo : © autoportrait
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